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Joined April 2023









tomfredlee hasn't published any posts yet

Yeah massively overrated imo. Looks good on first watch but often makes it harder for the others around him, terrible for backline continuity. Not the kind of smarts we want to cultivate. Solid enough in super rugby.

Fresh Wallabies blow as Waratahs lose gun centre to complicate selection ahead of Lions tour

Sorry Eddie, what you say matters not a jot. Can’t believe his stench still lingers in the media here. Be gone!

'Want to show rugby isn't dead in Melbourne': Rebels skipper's fighting words as Eddie calls for 'hard decisions'

Right on the money

COMMENT: In trading Greatest Showman for 'boring' and 'pragmatic' Sleepy Joe, RA gambling with game's future

The lack of press conference histrionics is refreshing. The idea that showmanship should buy you anything in terms of results, short or long term, is wrongheaded. Let’s judge Schmidt and the contracting arrangements in time, at this point the rationale and the fit is enough to inspire a bit of faith in the decision makers.

COMMENT: In trading Greatest Showman for 'boring' and 'pragmatic' Sleepy Joe, RA gambling with game's future

Seriously every time I see a story with this guy it makes me sad for rugby here. Go please.

'Evolution for the game': McLennan hails Nations Cup, World Cup expansion as 'massive win' for Australia

Great read Geoff, couldn’t agree more. Ironic that the pretence of technology is often to eradicate uncertainty but the opposite often occurs: as our powers of technologically augmented insight grow, so too does the complexity that was previously hidden in ordinary situations. Hence, as you point out, the importance of having a clear and shared idea of the game that we want rugby to be.

The Wrap: Wallabies are on their way home - can they please take the TMOs with them?

But haven’t you just demonstrated you’re the one who is projecting so much into the single stat, and wasn’t it me who said you needed to look beyond the stat? And why should Harrison’s reaction count more than thinking rationally about something, as though we should look to him unthinkingly for justification.

SPIRO ZAVOS: My message to Hamish McLennan and Eddie Jones: 'In the name of God, go'

1. Which bit is the speculation?
2. It’s false to say ‘the rest of us have moved on’, clearly there’s a collective reevaluation of the Rennie sacking and Jones replacement from a good portion of the rugby public based on recent performance, as is appropriate. Unless by ‘us’ you mean you?
3. By outward I mean beyond wealthy Sydney private school boys, by forward I mean not the wallabies glory days. Rennie is still recent history, we’re living through the consequences of his replacement and the actions of who replaced him currently.

SPIRO ZAVOS: My message to Hamish McLennan and Eddie Jones: 'In the name of God, go'

That didn’t help, it gave RA a reason. But as any good punter knows, you don’t just look at the win/loss record when you make a bet, lots more factors to consider, particularly when a horse is meant to be peaking for a big race (i.e. the World Cup). One year out we were tracking OK, certainly not dire enough for a sacking. I reckon Hamish would keep Eddie on at 30% no questions. And as a side note, an oddity of Rennie’s tenure was 3 draws. His loss ratio was actually 53%, which doesn’t look half as bad. 7/18 losses against NZ too. Only win Eddie can boast is against Georgia and we didn’t look even close to Wales. But in any case, you delude yourself just looking at one stat not the full picture in context.

SPIRO ZAVOS: My message to Hamish McLennan and Eddie Jones: 'In the name of God, go'

100% on board with the broad sentiments here. They’ve really fluffed it haven’t they?! Whatever happens ensuring less parochialism at the top is what’s needed, Ireland have managed to do it, with a motley of coaches and administrators from other nationalities. What made it hard for Rennie was he was a lone Kiwi amid all the ex-Wallaby and private school honchos. We need a proper mix of authoritative coaches and administrators with international experience, otherwise the risk of nostalgia and glory days talk will rear its head again. That was firing this debacle: smoke and mirrors, nostalgia and showmanship. He’s gone now but Rennie’s dour and sensitive approach was what we needed, not the flashy, self delusional, snappy, drama queen stuff that’s been going on. I’ll reiterate, whatever the strategy is from here it needs to be looking forward and outward, not back and inward.

SPIRO ZAVOS: My message to Hamish McLennan and Eddie Jones: 'In the name of God, go'

The performance of accountability rather than accountability itself: “yeah this situation is terrible, but I’ve got no regrets and my decision making has no part in it.”
The guy has burnt through the last drops of social capital he had surely.
Just go, please, for the sake of the game here. That would be the noble thing.
And stop quoting that win/loss record from Rennie, as any good punter knows, you don’t just look at the win/loss record of a horse, you need a lot more for a compelling picture (it’s the fallacy of misplaced abstraction): Rennie’s Spring tour, in light of injuries and his efforts blooding new players and strategising for the RWC (where Eddie has been given so much rope)—it is surely, surely not the performance that warrants a sacking within 1 year of the cup?!
But still, the double speak, and the fog of dishonesty amid blind conviction.
I’ll be wearing my Ireland jersey till this bloke goes, no matter the well-meaning talk of ground up overall, top down overhaul please.
There’s been a lot of sunk cost into the Eddie and McLennsn brand on this site (Harry and Brett excluded), even with the sprinkles of contrary arguments needed for a veneer of objectivity. Time to move on.

'How did mighty Australian Rugby get to this': McLennan says he has 'no' regrets, outlines three areas to fix

Great read Harry. Was right there with you. Hoping for a rematch.

Biltong vs blarney: World Cup classic battle leaves both teams with a sense of final destiny - and a key area they must fix

Thanks mate.

The defence never rests: Too strong up front, too fast out back, Springboks march on with a Marseille mugging

Do you know what the kick stats for the game ended up as Harry?

The defence never rests: Too strong up front, too fast out back, Springboks march on with a Marseille mugging

Ah, I see above, SA Lite, nice. Bold, maybe, but true some. Perhaps France shade them with kicking, both in play and at goal.

The defence never rests: Too strong up front, too fast out back, Springboks march on with a Marseille mugging

The clash of styles is making for a fascinating tournament. The ruck destroyers and low possession teams have it currently. The stage is set for Ireland and NZ to turn the tables, but you’d be a brave man to back them over France and The Boks after week 1. Wonder who the Boks would prefer to face in the semis, NZ or France…?

The defence never rests: Too strong up front, too fast out back, Springboks march on with a Marseille mugging

Pass me the Philips head please!

Revealed: The bloody ear that has proved a Rugby World Cup headache as Wallabies seek lineout fix

“Robust” a flattering word choice for that Darwin presser, “deranged”, “zany”, “like a man operating on two hours sleep”; what happens when Larrikin instincts are running on stress and paranoia.

'We've got a few out': Slipper set to miss RWC opener as Eddie opens up on 'fascinating experiment' campaign

Loved the ambition and verve of this piece Harry, good to see someone in rugby writing knows how to string together a long (relatively) bit of allegorical writing. Clearly a wide reader, which is more than one can say for many in the trade today, where plain, anaemic language or, in its way, equally plain flatulence rule the page.

What three hours in a bar taught me about RWC contenders - including the 'most confident 0-4 team on the planet'

The French comparison reminds me of a classic logical fallacy: All dogs have four legs; my chair has four legs, therefore my chair is a dog”?
France renewed their squad pre RWC 2019, Eddies has dropped a couple of senior players, the Wallabies are following in the same path as France.
Doesn’t stack up.
The goal posts keep shifting at Eddie’s convenience, further and further away, and he appears less and less accountable.
Such a shame to be pulling these kind of desperate experiments on the eve of the event we were meant to be building towards for the last 4 years.

Eddie has done what was needed four years ago and ripped the bandaid off. Now he's breathed life into Aussie rugby

Top read. More please!

There is a whiff of myth about this Springboks side - and they were badly exposed by All Blacks' coaching team

Just sticking to what worked for him with England in 2016-2019 I guess. Will be very interested to see how that goes against the ABs, an absolute flogging or a minor victory is my guess. Has surprised against them in the past, even though they tend to kill teams if you give them ball.

The Wrap: All Blacks and Wallabies show off all of Test rugby’s perfection and imperfections

Nailed it here Geoff: possession or not, it’s about the repertoire of tools you have to exert pressure and the capacity to convert that pressure into points. It’s a big learning curve for the Wallabies to learn a new way, particularly when it’s not part of the DNA/ cultural legacy. I’d argue we have 70% of the players to transition to Eddie’s style in the absence of broader team cohesion accelerating the shift, it will be a miracle if he has us winning consistently (two-three games in a row against tier 1 and 2) by RWC time playing in this emergent style.

The Wrap: All Blacks and Wallabies show off all of Test rugby’s perfection and imperfections

I suppose there is also ‘negative positivity’ (over estimating yourself) and ‘positive negativity’ (critical reflection) too

WILL GENIA: It's vital the Wallabies beat Argentina otherwise self-doubt will creep in, three key selections

“positive positivity“—nice song or book title there.

WILL GENIA: It's vital the Wallabies beat Argentina otherwise self-doubt will creep in, three key selections
