The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined July 2020









TommyDocker hasn't published any posts yet

Im a huge QC fan. Yes his best is amazing and his worse is stuff nightmares are made of….but I still remember the SR Reds season in 2011 he was possessed, form was ridiculous. NL has been made to look right out of form and having him play the Boks would further put him in a black hole…..Banks has been woeful all series so Hodgey at 15 will give the Wallas something and connect pretty will with the Rebels wingers, who have been 2 of the better players all series.

CONFIRMED: Quade Cooper returns for Wallabies at No.10, Rodda starts, two debutants

I still think we need pick plus player. we have a gap in the 24-25 age bracket that we could fill with a decent unit. Are their any? not sure, but he has moved past pick 5 in value. proven and upside….

Cerra officially requests trade to Victoria

6 Plus SPS plus future 1st round. lets face it draft is still a lotto. You get some right and wrong. Cerra is all right. SPS, DOW and a few others Carlton like many have missed. but you get a-grade talent ready now… so you gotta pay to play. thats the minimum…. i also think the hawks and Richmond could pop up in this with some trades – bolton, SS plus picks (one or other not both), hawks, plenty of tall talent plus a pick??

Cerra officially requests trade to Victoria

Why do we need a Tasman Comp? Lets cut them off, let them play against each other and Focus on what Australian Rugby needs. WE dont need them – they actually really need us (26m vs 5m pop?- more eyeballs equals more Commercial opportunities).

I thought the approach they took was a cocky one and I think the RA team didnt rate it 1 little bit.

The weekend that made Super Rugby AU
