The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined March 2019









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No. Needs to be dropped

Is Cameron Green doing enough to keep his spot in the Australian Test side?

Or triple galvanized!

Prime whingers: Albo responds as British PM joins meltdown, Boycott demands apology, McCullum still sooking

British have the worst politicians out of Australia, America and NZ. And that’s saying something

Prime whingers: Albo responds as British PM joins meltdown, Boycott demands apology, McCullum still sooking

McCullum is one of the biggest hypocrites in world cricket. The media and Baz himself talk him up as this spirit of cricket savant which is incorrect according to his long history of hypocrisy

'If I could turn back time': Baz's journey from 'stupidity' to 'obvious' mistake, and why Pat could live to regret stance

I’d say drop him for a game or two. He will be back

Every player rated from the second Ashes Test: Smith pips Stokes for man of the match, much-maligned quick shines

How can he be one of the top 6? He’s got a worse record then Marsh and Watson

Every player rated from the second Ashes Test: Smith pips Stokes for man of the match, much-maligned quick shines

He’s not as good a bowler as Marsh or Watson and his batting is not that great either

Every player rated from the second Ashes Test: Smith pips Stokes for man of the match, much-maligned quick shines

Why is UK being targeted I wonder

'I wasn't just going to stand by and cop it': Khawaja fumes over Lord's abuse as MCC suspends loud-mouthed members

Yes Ussie seems to be targeted by players and fans and he’s the only non white in the team

'I wasn't just going to stand by and cop it': Khawaja fumes over Lord's abuse as MCC suspends loud-mouthed members

Amazing how the Pom players and fans seem to be targeting the one non white player in the team. I wonder why that is

'I wasn't just going to stand by and cop it': Khawaja fumes over Lord's abuse as MCC suspends loud-mouthed members

I don’t want to hear anything from McCullum, Broad or Stokes on this. Given their histories, they’re hypocrites

UK View: 'He didn't look like a leader. He looked pathetic' - Cummins caned but Poms also skewer 'dozy' Bairstow

Moral? Are you out of your freaking mind? Cricket is just a sport. And he played according to the rules

COMMENT: Cummins failed the moral test and tarnished these Ashes. He had the chance to be a legend and blew it

Yes where’s the spirit?

'If you can't handle that': Defiant Pommie paceman defends disgraceful 'f---ing prick' send-off

If you have to go to the distant past, it’s not a good reference

'If you can't handle that': Defiant Pommie paceman defends disgraceful 'f---ing prick' send-off

He’s got a bad history of racism on social media

'If you can't handle that': Defiant Pommie paceman defends disgraceful 'f---ing prick' send-off

That was 30 years ago.

'If you can't handle that': Defiant Pommie paceman defends disgraceful 'f---ing prick' send-off

Numerous examples of racism from Aussies who have a history of racism like Robinson does?

'If you can't handle that': Defiant Pommie paceman defends disgraceful 'f---ing prick' send-off

That’s the best they could do I guess

UK View: 'Hardly angelic' - Poms react to 'ironic indignation' after Uzzy abuse, Green hailed as 'finest' of all time

Not the first time Poms have cheated in an ashes series

UK View: 'Hardly angelic' - Poms react to 'ironic indignation' after Uzzy abuse, Green hailed as 'finest' of all time

We know why Robinson thought he could do that to the one non white Aussie player. Hope Ussie smashes him the rest of the series

UK View: 'Hardly angelic' - Poms react to 'ironic indignation' after Uzzy abuse, Green hailed as 'finest' of all time

It’s a crime that Bancroft and particularly Harris got 26 games between them without a single century. Even Ussie with bad form could’ve done better

'The last 10 years haven't been a fluke': Khawaja reveals reason for emotional explosion after being 'sprayed by the crowd'

This is the best comment on here today. Ussie was out for guys like the Marshes, Bancroft, Harris, Renshaw. Guys with nowhere near his class

Uzzy's the man! Khawaja's finest ton keeps Aussies afloat, but advantage England after top-order failures

Yes take out Crawley or Duckett and Johnny to open

Uzzy's the man! Khawaja's finest ton keeps Aussies afloat, but advantage England after top-order failures

It’s not like Foakes can’t bat either! Has 2 test hundreds. Averages 33.

Uzzy's the man! Khawaja's finest ton keeps Aussies afloat, but advantage England after top-order failures

Shouldn’t be any blues in the first side

Who makes the cut for the greatest combined Origin team of all time?
