The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined September 2018









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I hope AU Rugby ask the right questions because Samuelson certainly didn’t.
He came up with an economics of nice equilibrium:
A fantasy that ignored Finance -Banking, Share market, Derivatives, Insurance, Real Estate and Fraud on a grand-scale – and millions of students studied Samuelson’s text books.

Chieka has had the WBs close to 4 years, and now admits he got some things wrong, but his selections are cross checked with proven peers – so his most obvious question will be ignored.

AR need to appoint 3 official selectors so the process is at least more transparent. That’s an important start.

So unlike present economics Chieka is not God that all unthinkingly bow to. Get back to the reality of basic skills and position play and, like the 2nd half at Salta, the WBs will be more
predictable and successful.

So Nick Turnbull, couldn’t let you get away with that huge and misleading economic reference.

The great question mark of Salta

Spot on article. His examples to illustrate are true and appropriate.
Does any other rugby team receive such relentless negative wording? No not in any way.
But disagree with the reason for this bias generally in the media and by coaches; They maybe jealous but that’s not the reason for this general bias by media and some coaches.
Apart from Jones in the UK media this negativity mainly arose from the AU media (who also own the NZ media). From the financial elite who dominate AU rugby and who have enormous influence with AU media owners and the mainly AU advertisers who provide the profits for Fairfax and Murdoch.

NZ journalists are shakled by the editors employed by this AU media ownership, it is however a NZ issue: Words can’t describe the ‘dumbness’ of NZ conservative politics for selling off the NZ private media to AU interests and making the NZ public media more like the private media; with their Fairfax executives, their ‘for profit’ models, their attachment to AU rugby and generally AU political and economic interests. –
That’s the source of this obvious bias to tarnish the name of the All Blacks, no other national team experiences such relentless negativity:
They ‘all do it’ but only the All Blacks ‘cop it’.

The language of rugby

Spot on article. His examples to illustrate are true and appropriate.
Does any other rugby team receive such relentless negative wording? No not in any way.
But disagree with the reason for this bias generally in the media and by coaches; They maybe jealous but that’s not the reason for this general bias by media and some coaches.
Apart from Jones in the UK media this negativity mainly arose from the AU media (who also own the NZ media). From the financial elite who dominate AU rugby and who have enormous influence with AU media owners and the mainly AU advertisers who provide the profits for Fairfax and Murdoch.

NZ journalists are shakled by the editors employed by this AU media ownership, it is however a NZ issue: Words can’t describe the ‘dumbness’ of NZ conservative politics for selling off the NZ private media to AU interests and making the NZ public media more like the private media; with their Fairfax executives, their ‘for profit’ models, their attachment to AU rugby and
generally AU political and economic interests. –
That’s the source of this obvious bias to tarnish the name of the All Blacks, no other national team experiences such relentless negativity:
They ‘all do it’ but only the All Blacks ‘cop it’.

The language of rugby
