The Roar
The Roar


Rowers don't want 'Lay-down Sally' taking spotlight

Roar Guru
10th April, 2008

Australia’s elite rowers like Sally Robbins but privately hope she misses Olympic selection to prevent another media circus, according to one national squad member.

The leading rower denied any “bitchiness” between the country’s female rowers as Robbins tomorrow starts a difficult last-ditch bid for a chance at Olympic redemption.

But she today said few would be disappointed if Robbins crashed out of contention at this week’s final selection trials at the Sydney International Regatta Centre at Penrith.

The huge coverage of Robbins’ Athens meltdown took the attention away from the men’s eight and lightweight four crews who medalled on the same day she stopped rowing in the women’s eights final and still rankles many.

“All the rowers on the team know and think (Robbins) needs to have a fair go but there are benefits with her missing selection,” the rower told AAP.

“We want the best stories about the medal winners and not what about whatever Sally does.

“Personally I felt sorry for the guys in the eight who won bronze on the same day that Sally lay down and the guys in the lightweight four who took silver.

“That was all drowned out by the hubbub of what she did. And I don’t think that was fair for the rowers or the sport.


“It would be really unfortunate if that happened again in Beijing.”

However the rower strongly rejected perceptions of inter-squad animosity.

“I hate the idea of women’s rowing being seen as bitchy or full of cat-fighting,” she said.

“The issue is on the water and you leave it on the course.

“We all hang out at the mall together and there’s no harsh words traded.”

Robbins sparked concerns among potential crew-mates when she switched from sweep-oar to sculls last year.

At least two scullers told Rowing Australia coaches they were not prepared to share a boat with the powerful West Australian who had suffered a similar fade-out before the 2004 Olympics.


With Robbins an underdog to make the double sculls boat for the August Games, which must first be qualified at a June regatta in Poland, the concerns are more about her fate becoming a distraction.

It’s understood Robbins’ seven heavyweight sculls squad mates are prepared to partner her in the doubles boat to keep their own Games dream alive.

Six have been included in the priority quad boat with this week’s trials to finalise both the quad for Beijing and the doubles boat to compete for a top-two place in Poznan, Poland.

The two who miss out on the quad will compete with Robbins for the two seats in the double.

The selections have been hampered by an injury to the highly-ranked Zoe Uphill who is not expected back on the water until next week.

Robbins will begin the final selection regatta tomorrow teaming with Amber Bradley while the remaining scullers – Kerry Hore, Amy Ives, Sonya Mills and Catriona Sens – will race in the quad.

Each will rotate and partner Robbins before the selectors finalise both their quad and doubles teams next week.


Head coach Noel Donaldson admitted Robbins had a tough ask and there were no guarantees Australia would nominate a double sculls boat for the Olympic qualifying regatta if it wasn’t up to Games pace.

Donaldson indicated Robbins’ baggage wouldn’t be discounted but stressed performance will be a the key factor in selection.

“Going to the Olympic Games is never easy and we’ve taken the attitude with Sally that she’s courageously continuing to battle her way forward so we’ve played it straight all year in assessing her performances,” he said.
