The Roar
The Roar


Waratahs: The 'missing Link' needs to walk

Roar Guru
3rd March, 2008

Three matches and three aimless performances. The Waratahs are clearly a team playing not to lose rather than a team playing to win.

They seem over-coached and over managed. They lack any game plan, direction and on field captaincy. Most importantly, they display no willingness to spin the ball wide.

Sure it was a wet night this week, but they still lacked any purpose or game plan.

One would hope that they watched the Brumbies ‘second stringers’ play the game as it should be played – with passion and conviction. More importantly, with inventiveness.

The sooner the Ewen ‘Link’ McKenzie is sent to his true destiny in life as a statistician, the better. He might understand the numbers but he certainly can’t motivate his team, nor provide the culture to create a winning combination.

When will the heads of the NSWRU realise that if they don’t replace him soon, they will be broke with long suffering supporters voting with their feet!
