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Timana Tahu will run the All Blacks ragged

Roar Guru
24th July, 2008
1503 Reads

Timana Tahu is an international man of mystery to the All Blacks. And he will need no invitation to destroy the All Blacks backline, as he was once turned down by New Zealand rugby. So he will be fuelled with one intent: make the NZRU board eat their words.

Furthermore, Tahu gets the satisfaction of showcasing this destruction in front of his home crowd.

One would think that Robbie Deans has forwarded the Australia A versus Tonga match tape to his nemesis, All Blacks coach Graham Henry.

Henry can sit down and trouble his inside centre Ma’a Nonu with Tahu’s seemingly unstoppable talent, watch his brilliant running lines, footwork and off-loads.

And, of course, those bone crunching tackles.

Nonu will need to strap up those Springboks bruises well before the game. Better still, they should put him on ice now.

Henry will need to refer to his medical staff and consider putting another back on the bench. The mighty Nonu is strong, but hardly agile. Tahu will run circles around him, leaving him looking like an ANZ stadium turnstile.

This is one time when the old idiom doesn’t apply: “What you do know won’t hurt you.”


On the other hand, perhaps Henry won’t show Nonu the Tahu game tapes afterall.

What would be the point?

Hopefully Robbie Deans will unleash him earlier than later, with plenty of time to un-stitch the All Blacks and cause maximum damage.

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