The Roar
The Roar


How to pick an AFL Dream Team

Roar Pro
15th February, 2009
17026 Reads

We are at the time of year when a major event for many sport fanatics is fast approaching: the often anticipated – for the prepared – and also dreaded – for the unprepared – deadline of when Dream Teams must be submitted for the season ahead.

For the uninitiated, the AFL Dream Team basically involves picking a squad of 30 players under a salary cap, of whom 22 will score points for you (through a scoring scheme) based on their performance that weekend.

For more details visit Dream Team 101

If you forget to set up your AFL Dream Team by the time of the deadline, you will regret it for the whole football season. You will not be able to watch matches, and hope that Buddy Franklin kicks no goals, after being completely outplayed by a dominant Harry Taylor. Or watch matches and hope that Collingwood wins after a best on ground appearance by Dale Thomas.

This article seeks to help those with no idea on how to pick their perfect team underneath a salary cap.

There are a number of tips and tactics used to pick a team that will remain successful and consistent throughout the season.

1. Watching the NAB cup is a must for Dream Team fans to seek out those players who have put in the hard yards in the preseason, and will surely pay off for your team, with a greater amount of points compared to their market value. You can see the points each player accumulates in preseason matches, by looking at Fan Footy. You can also view previous season scores on this website.

2. Check the injury status of all your picks. It is a bad start to the season if you accidentally pick a player who will be out for the first 8 weeks, and have to use up one of your valuable trades on something avoidable.


3. Pick some youngsters who will rise in value quickly. Some players in your team you can afford to gamble on like the stock exchange. If first year player has a brilliant out of the ordinary first three games there price will rise significantly. It might be time to sell down to a first year player who hasn’t played yet (but probably will), and use the extra money to trade up a mid-level player to one of the Dream Team superstars.

4. Don’t judge players by watching them on television. You must pick players by judging them on how many points they score in the dream team, not how well they are setting up goals. Neither Gary Ablett nor Adam Cooney were in the top five dream team scorers last season. Scott Thompson was though.

5. Scour the player lists for bargains. These are most likely players who were injured in previous years, or who had a poor season last year. A lot of the bargains pay off, and the best way to find them is by checking out the Dream Team board on Big Footy.

6. Get at least one superstar player. By appointing one player a week as the captain of your team they receive double points for that week.

7. Have a small amount of cash left over at the start of the season. There is always a player who gets injured in the first round and plummets in value. You want to be able to replace him with a quality player.

8. Don’t overspend on the reserves. If you get lucky the reserves won’t be needed, and you you want to fill these spaces up with stock market players. Less money spent on these possible unwanted players means more money for certain starters.

9. Check team lists each Thursday night. Most rounds start on the Friday night, and team lists will released on the Thursday night before. Check to see if there are any surprises in team lists. Try not to make any changes to your team until after you have seen this list. A star player may be injured at training, and if you have used up all your trades, then it could be a loss on the cards for that week.


10. Think about where your salary cap is being spent. Is it worth spending an extra $20,000 on a player who will get 15 more points a week consistently, or spending it on a player getting 10 – 25 points more each week.

There are many more tips on how to succeed at AFL Dream Team. But you shouldn’t trust my judgement.

I am just like most How to become a Millionaire writers, completely unsuccessful.

But you may be luckier. The Roar has its own Dream Team set up, so sign up now, and then enter league number 610209.
