The Roar
The Roar


State of Origin, I forgot it was on!

Roar Rookie
3rd June, 2009
3708 Reads

The State of Origin, once the greatest sporting spectacle in Australia, now does little to excite me. I only realised the day of the first State of Origin that the Rugby League showpiece was on.

I remember growing up when there was nothing more important than watching my heroes do NSW proud.

Unfortunately now I see fools, which is unfair to those players that aren’t, but that’s the effect the game is having on me and many others I know.

Origin was the match for all sport lovers, regardless of what code you follow. However, the constant bombardment of disgraceful behavior amongst some NRL players and staff has badly damaged the so called “greatest game of all”.

It’s not just all the scandal. The Super League war played its part in destroying the game.

I believe League has been on the slide down ever since the Super League wars and is only surviving based on their large media contracts.

As a former Rugby League junior, who came close to playing professionally back in the mid 90’s, it saddens me to have lost so much interest in the NRL.

I now get my sporting fix from Football as a big fan of the growing A-League and the Socceroos, where the game is not as simplistic as League and has a global presence that no other sport has.


While I will do my best to watch the Origin series, I hope the likes of Thurston, Inglis, Folau, Bailly, Campese and Jennings can bring back the classic matches that made the event so spectacular.
