The Roar
The Roar


Hunt's AFL signing is an act of war

gaw new author
Roar Rookie
29th July, 2009

I’m the rugby league tragic who admitted a few weeks ago in my blog to enjoying an AFL game. I thought I’d be the big guy and show some respect to what is arguably Australia’s biggest winter sport, even though its followers continue to thumb their noses at our game.

That blog posting is now a distant memory.

The AFL’s signing of Karmichael Hunt is nothing short of an act of war.

Andrew Demetriou and his cronies weren’t satisfied that they had it over us in sponsorship dollars. It wasn’t enough that they had higher ratings and in more parts of the country.

They weren’t merely satisfied being able to gloat about their crowd numbers in a city where the weekend brings few other options of outdoor things to do.

They had to get their filthy mitts on our players.

A Rugby league player signing with the AFL is unprecedented. A high profile player doing so raises the stakes.

Guy McKenna, coach of the Gold Coast AFL franchise that has secured Hunt’s signature, has spoken of how he is looking forward to working with him and what he will add to their side.


But let’s be honest here. It’s not about that, is it? It’s about signing a rugby league international.

Whether Karmichael Hunt adjusts to AFL and plays well is not what has the AFL excited. It’s that they were able to get him.

All of a sudden their greedy little hands will be trying to grab the likes of Greg Inglis, Israel Folau and Jamal Idris. Not to strengthen their game, but to try and weaken ours.

I wonder, does Karmichael Hunt realise he is merely a pawn in the AFL’s game? I’m not sure whether to resent him for signing on or feel sorry for him for being so naive.

The whole rotten affair is not surprising considering Demetriou’s tactics of trying to snare our administrators at the urinals of ANZ Stadium. The man’s arrogance has no boundaries.

Next, he’ll be trying to dress up Clive Churchill’s grave with AFL paraphernalia.

Well, rugby league hasn’t survived for 101 years by being weak and just taking it. If the AFL wants a war, then let’s bloody well give them one.
