The Roar
The Roar


Will low viewing numbers push rugby free to air?

Roar Guru
21st January, 2010
10422 Reads

It is quite apparent that rugby in Australia is currently at a very firm down. We are yet to see what the new season will bring. There is a possibility, however, that this limiting down may break rugby back into free to air.

Before the viewing numbers were such that is wasn’t viable for FTA channels to buy the rights, but highly viable for Pay TV.

Now, as viewing figures are reaching possible record lows, rugby could cost the same as bull riding, the new fast pace basketball, and various other obscure sports.

The difference being that there is still a presence, which once the FTA barrier is broken, could be capitalised on.

There are two cost barriers with free to air TV.

One is the cost barrier for the sports, which can be capitalised on and provide ratings success; the other is the low cost, low budget airtime filling sports, such is seen often on ONE HD.

So current ratings set forth by various media monitoring could be a benefit to the rugby watching public.

This larger exposure then leads to slightly greater ratings and eventual re-growth, hopefully past retention point, to a competitive viability.


This system is possible, and quite probable if, after this season, rugby continues on its slope in terms of viewing figures. It may be a blessing in disguise.
