The Roar
The Roar


What was Timana Tahu thinking?

Roar Pro
22nd June, 2010
1754 Reads

Timana Tahu showed his true colours in Parramatta’s narrow loss to Newcastle. His cheap shot on James McManus gave further weight to his “have your cake and eat it too” attitude.

As you can imagine, this didn’t wash well with his former hometown crowd.

What was Tahu trying to prove? Was he intent on proving a point in his hometown by belting one of Newcastle’s favourites? Did James McManus, one of the NRL’s best ambassadors, deserve a cheap shot whilst obviously defenceless?

What promoted this explosion of rage from Tahu?

Tahu, a professional footballer for over decade, acted like a petulant prima donna. It’s hard not to harp back to the racism row, which erupted after Andrew Johns’ comments on Greg Inglis in Origin camp. However, Tahu seems content on fuelling the fire.

His walk-out on the Blues was applauded by many; it brought awareness to an issue that obviously needed to be addressed. To many, Tahu was considered a mercenary, giving up his Origin spot was such a commendable act. After all, how could anyone walk out on Origin? Unimaginable.

His stance on racism has been steadfast, almost becoming the NRL’s advocate on the topic. However, Tahu appeared intent on inflicting physical punishment on someone as retribution for disparaging comments made about Indigenous people.

Tahu had the opportunity to come out the other end of this saga the bigger man, but seemed preoccupied with making his point, and bashing someone in the process. His thuggish behaviour has people wondering how the Eels and David Gallop are going to put out this fire.


Funnily enough, this comes only days after Tahu declared himself available for Origin. His four-week ban will obviously see him miss this, and leave his Parramatta team mates without a left center at a crucial part of the season.

I know Danny Green trains with the Eels, so perhaps Danny would provide an appropriate target for Tahu to release his anger.

He said he walked out of Origin for his kids, I wonder what they think of Dad now.
