The Roar
The Roar


Clear as day, Robbie Farah took a dive

frosteagle new author
Roar Rookie
29th July, 2010
frosteagle new author
Roar Rookie
29th July, 2010
1156 Reads

I’ve just seen the replay again of Matai’s supposed ‘high hit’ on Robbie Farah last Sunday, and need to vent. I was at the game right in front of the incident. Farah was rolling around on the ground pretending to be concussed in a performance that the Italian football team would have been proud of.

The replays clearly show that not only was he not knocked out, there was actually almost no contact at all. And Matai had no case to answer.

But predictably, the Tigers got a soft penalty, and scored from it. Matai, justifiably incensed, got ten in the bin for calling Farah a cheat.

In my opinion, this sort of act is shameful to the great game, and Farah should be sanctioned for it. Remember when Gallen did the ‘wink’ after going down a few years ago? We don’t want that sort of thing creeping back in.

I was a strong advocate of Robbie Farah for NSW Origin before this. Having seen what a powder puff he really is, I’m revoking that opinion.

Shame on him.
