The Roar
The Roar


Jamal Idris the new weapon in NRL’s code-war arsenal

Roar Guru
17th April, 2011
2031 Reads

With his new five-year contract at the NRL’s Gold Coast Titans, The World’s Largest Human has unknowingly become the NRL’s greatest weapon in the South-East Queensland battle ground.

Idris’ upsides as a player cannot be measured by his efforts on field. His appeal off field is just as great- a known fact to League fans and promoters alike.

Living in Adelaide my personal first-hand exposure to league is rare, but I had the privilege of watching last year’s game between the punishment-hamstrung Storm and the Bulldogs.

While crowd support for either side was minimal (aside from sporting tragics like myself, most South Australians either came for the novelty or because they play amateur league or union), the support for Idris personally was huge.

Every time the big fella had ball in hand the crowd stirred – he’s just the sort of player that demands attention. Off field his marketability is priceless, with his jovial nature making him appealing for young fans. His age makes him an attractive long-term prospect, and his genuine ability makes him a perfect short-term one.

But most importantly for the NRL, he has made a move to a club which, like it or not, is right on the front line in the battle against the AFL.

Many would disagree with me, with so many people not believing in code wars, or believing the NRL has the Gold Coast market won without a shot in anger. But this region is crucial for both codes in the long term.

Having Idris will, without doubt, benefit the Titans no end off field. Youngsters on the Gold Coast will have a ready-made hero, playing for an established club that doesn’t get flogged by vast margins every week.


The NRL generals would be delighted with the weapon which has just fallen into their laps, and the AFL should be concerned. Perhaps it’s time to rig a Suns game so they win by 10 goals and Hunt kicks five?
