The Roar
The Roar


Why bring Dan back? We have better options

Roar Rookie
1st June, 2011
2073 Reads

I am a little perplexed with some of the news articles that have appeared over the past couple of weeks regarding the potential return this year of Dan Vickerman to the Waratahs and Wallabies.

I find it very hard to comprehend that a person that hasn’t played Super Rugby since 2008 can walk straight back into the Wallabies World Cup Squad after potentially one game of top level Rugby in Australia.

To me, this is a real slap in the face for the young up-and-coming locks that are beginning to prove themselves as Wallaby stars of the future, in particular Sam Wykes and Rob Simmons.

What is this saying to these young guys that are performing at the top level for their province week in, week out?

How does this help in their development as future Wallabies if they are not seen by the selectors as being of the same calibre of Vickerman who has not had to deal with this gruelling schedule and the intensity of the expanded Super Rugby format?

In reading another article, it states that Vickerman has been contracted to the ARU until the end of 2013.

This does not seem to make much sense when arguably Australia’s best and most capped lock, Nathan Sharpe, cannot even get a full contract from the ARU for 2012.

This is inexcusable at best.


It seems ridiculous that a player that is constantly in the running for both the Australian Super Rugby Player of the year and Wallaby of the year is treated so harshly. Sharpe has been the best lock in Australian rugby for a long period and we need someone with his experience in our team to help nurture and develop the younger players.

Robbie Deans has always advocated his youth policy when it comes to the selection of the Wallabies and I do support the encouragement that he has given the younger players.

However, the drafting of Vickerman into the squad seems contrary to these principals.

I feel this may also bring an imbalance to the young squad and may even cause a little disharmony in the ranks. To bring in another older player (he is only one year younger than Sharpe), who we all thought was a spent force in Australian Rugby once he headed to Cambridge, seems to be a retrospective move. Remember that Ben Daley has just postponed studying at Oxford to remain loyal to the Queensland and Australian rugby unions.

In this very competitive climate, when we are losing players to European and Japanese competitions with big dollar contracts, isn’t it essential that we reward players who stay in Australia and are loyal to their provinces?

I believe that in our current stock of Australian locks we have the cover, ability and experience to more than compete with the world’s best.

Give them the encouragement they deserve for their loyalty and commitment to their Australian provinces and Australian Rugby.
