The Roar
The Roar


Whingers Gallen and Stuart deserve the sack

Glenn Stewart in Origin training camp AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy
Roar Guru
25th May, 2012
2144 Reads

Paul Gallen and Ricky Stuart have cast the game of rugby league into disrepute. What petulance from grown men!

Gallen had the gall to ask one referee how many Origins he had refereed when a decision went against the Blues.

Then, after the Inglis try, he roundly abused the refs for what he thought was a bad decision.

All game Gallen whinged and whined his way around the paddock, in between heroic defence and hard ball running.

He is hard as nails; I’ll give him credit for that.

After the game, Stuart placed a media ban on his players in protest against the Inglis try, alleging bias by the refs and the press.

What deplorable conduct!

Schoolboys, on a bad day, might behave like Gallen did. If so, they would be sent off.


Any coach who behaved like Stuart would be ordered out of the playing enclosure and rightly so.

Remember his carry on after the 2008 World Cup loss to New Zealand? He resigned then and should never have been reappointed.

It is hardly surprising Stuart has appointed Gallen as Captain; birds of a feather flock together.

Both are paranoid that the world is against them.

Each is talented in his own way; there’s no doubt about that.

However they are a disgraceful examples to our children; never again should they be placed in positions of leadership.

They are not representative of true Australian sportmanship.


Generations of Australian sportsmen and sportswomen have shown the generosity of spirit and fair mindedness our country is famous for.

Paul and Ricky, however, are lacking it.

These might sound like extreme opinions, but the pair should be sacked.

To do otherwise is to condone their actions.
