The Roar
The Roar


Is Tomic's win a sign of things to come?

Roar Guru
2nd January, 2013

Bernard Tomic has caused a big upset at the Hopman Cup, defeating Novak Djokovic in straight sets in front of a capacity crowd at Perth Arena.

Tomic showed his new found resolve, as well as the great amount of work he put in during the off-season, in a performance that will have to be taken seriously by everyone in the locker room.

Early on in the match, Tomic played patiently and in the opening game had a number of break point opportunities against the Djokovic serve. Although he didn’t win that game, you could see Tomic was willing to do whatever it took to win against the world number one.

Tomic was controlling most of the neutral baseline exchanges, which was surprising in once sense since Djokovic has been considered the best in the world in that department, but not that surprising to me as this is what Tomic is good at, and with the improvement in his physical state, it showed just how good he is in this department.

Tomic was impressive in just about all areas of his game, especially his serving performance, and most people who watched the match will believe now that he is capable of doing things which are considered special.

Djokovic was tied down and kept quiet by the talented young Aussie, and was beaten comprehensively. However I still think that Djokovic will win the Australian Open, and continue to be the best in the world in 2013.

I believe Tomic is the one that will end the dominance of the big four players (Djokovic, Andy Murray, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal). And with Nadal battling injuries, and Federer not getting any younger, Tomic may just be arriving at the right time.
