The Roar
The Roar


Mundine vs Geale II: Where to now for Anthony Mundine?

Anthony Mundine. Photo by Paul Barkley/LookPro
Roar Guru
30th January, 2013
15357 Reads

The feeling of hatred was palpable in the air at the Sydney Entertainment Centre last night. This was a crowd that wanted to see Anthony Mundine shown up.

They wanted him defeated, embarrassed and knocked out. Not all of the crowd, of course.

But I would put it at least 60-40 in Daniel Geale’s favour, maybe even 70-30. Considering Mundine was fighting in his hometown, and it could be his last bout in a while if not ever, it was a little surprising he didn’t have more support.

But it another way it comes as completely no surprise. Mundine has always been controversial and disliked by many. But in the past few weeks he has taken his alienation to a new level. Mundine’s ravings have come off desperate and damaging.

He has insulted his own people and Tasmanian Aborigines, not to mention Laurie Daley, Artie Beetson and Daniel Geale.

He has divided the Aboriginal community. It seems as though many people have had enough of his antics.

That’s why many will celebrate Geale’s victory over Mundine intently. Not only does it shut ‘The Man’ up, it may end his career for good.

Where can Mundine go from here in boxing? Not far, really. This loss moves him to a record of 44 wins and five losses.


It harms his legacy and knocks him way back down the boxing ranks. Beating Geale was his one chance to open doors overseas. Now that chance is gone. Mundine has left his run way, way too late.

All that is left for the former NRL player now is to fight bums or has-beens. A rematch with Danny Green would probably earn him a shedload, but that’s about it.

His credibility and future in the real boxing world is gone.

Will he retire? I think that’s unlikely, but not impossible. He has very little room left to move with now and unless money is his only goal, there’s not much more he can achieve in the ring.

At 37, time is not on his side.

Will he apologise for his ravings? That is even more unlikely. Though it would be a smart move, and his statements are most probably just for selling the fight, his past history suggests that he won’t back peddle or show any contrition.

And what about his convincing victor, Daniel ‘The Real Deal’ Geale? It is up and up for the Tasmanian.


Geale has been on a upward track since he lost to Mundine in 2009, a fight many people thought he didn’t lose. He has racked up eight straight wins and won two world titles. He has conquered opponents in the tough German cauldron.

BoxRec has him as the number three middleweight. The boxing world is at his feet.

Now the 31-year old could face Sergio Martinez or Gennady Govolkin. Both would be huge fights. Both would be a huge step up, particularly from the Mundine bout.

But overall, the lesson from last night is don’t underestimate Daniel Geale. He might be the quiet achiever, the smiling assassin, but when it comes to the sweet science he demands respect. And this cat’s not done in the ring yet.

Follow John on Twitter @johnnyddavidson

