The Roar
The Roar


Who I support, and in what order - who makes your list?

Roar Pro
6th November, 2014

An article yesterday by Armand van Zyl got me thinking: why do we support the team(s) that we do. Some of the answers are very straightforward – most of us would support our national team over all others, but after that, who and why?

So Roarers, for a bit of fun I am asking you to rate the top 12 ranked teams in the order that you support them. Here they are according to the current IRB rankings.

New Zealand, South Africa, England, Australia, Ireland, Wales, France, Scotland, Samoa, Argentina, Japan, Fiji.

But when one team plays another, who do you want to win, and more importantly, why?

To get things underway, here is my list:

1. Australia – that’s who I am (although I don’t live there).

2. New Zealand – perhaps a funny second choice for an Australian, but I have always loved the way they play the game.

3. Ireland – because you’ve got to love the Irish.


4. France – even though they are now totally chaotic, I’ve been a rugby follower for more than 40 years and they have played some of the best games I’ve seen in that time. Just look at this if you don’t believe me.

5. South Africa – this was a hard one. I would of put them higher up but for many years I hated the 10 man game they played. A pity, because my SA friends are going to be all over me.

6 and 7. Samoa, Fiji. Can’t pick between them. I love the way they attempt to play expansive rugby. Just a pity the don’t do it consistently well.

8. Japan. They try.

9. Wales. I might have put them higher given the great games they’ve had with Australia in recent years, but overall, they are too close to England.

10. Argentina. Probably if I did this list again in 5 years they would rate higher.


11. Scotland. I have never seen a game with Scotland playing that I didn’t fall asleep.

12. England. It’s England. ‘Nuff said.

If there is enough interest, I might come back in a few days and try and summarise all the results.
