The Roar
The Roar


Here's another controversial article about Adam Goodes

Roar Rookie
30th May, 2015
1187 Reads

Media organisations these days seem to place reporting events a rung or two below sensationalism and whipping up controversy. Adam Goodes, Adam Goodes, Adam Goodes, Adam Goodes, Adam Goodes. Please read my article I have something to say about Adam Goodes.

In the olden days not much happened when a goal was scored in the VFL. Players ran back to the centre for the bounce. Games weren’t televised live so the umpire bounced the ball and got the game back underway – no need to wait for the sponsor to tell us about their products.

Over time players began to celebrate a goal. Maybe it was the influence of American sports being broadcast here, or maybe not. The celebrations have typically been a group hug or some pats on the back.

In football, perhaps because goals are so rare, players seem to have their own trademarked post goal celebrations. While not an avid watcher of the game, Tim Cahill’s boxing with the corner flag comes to mind.

In American football we have all sorts of individual theatrics. The post-goal theatrics don’t seem to attract any criticism for the most part.

In the AFL individual post goal theatrics are rare. We’ve seen players give the finger to opposition cheer squads. These players have been criticised and occasionally fined.

I seem to recall Tadhg Kennelly doing some sort of Irish jig or riverdance thing once or twice. I don’t believe it was controversial.

We’ve seen Akermanis do a hand stand at the end of games. That attracted some criticism occasionally after being seen as a bit self indulgent, but over the years became it part of the Brisbane Lions’ post-win landscape.


Last night Adam Goodes decided to do a dance after he scored a goal. Why the media would try to turn this into something controversial beggars belief.

But it was Adam Goodes and Adam Goodes means that we can get people listening to our commentary and clicking on our articles about Adam Goodes.

So what if Adam Goodes did a dance. So what if he did it in front of the Carlton cheer squad (if indeed that is what he did ).

Adam Goodes, Adam Goodes, Adam Goodes.

Is our media really so devoid of things to say that it needs to beat up something insignificant into more viewers/listeners/readers?

Adam Goodes did a dance. So What. Yawn. Move on.
