The Roar
The Roar


Pearce: Fyfe helped me get through this year

21st November, 2016

Fremantle defender Alex Pearce says his strong bond with teammate Nat Fyfe helped him get through the lows of his broken leg earlier this year.

Pearce broke his leg in the round-nine loss to Richmond, but he remains on track to return for next year’s season opener after having the plate removed three weeks ago.

Fyfe also missed the bulk of last season with a broken leg – the second time he has suffered the injury within the past year.

Pearce lives with Fyfe. He joked that their other housemate, Dockers defender Cameron Sutcliffe, had to lift his workload around the house while the Fremantle pair were injured.

“With injuries like mine, you need a lot of support through different people, and Nat’s definitely one who I’ve drawn a lot from,” Pearce said on Monday.

“He’s helped me a lot by keeping me in a good positive headspace moving forward.

“After surgery, there can be a few tough weeks when you’re sitting at home not doing a great deal.

“All through the year we had those conversations about how hungry we were to get back and how tough it is watching.


“That helps drive us during this period of pre-season.”

Pearce has resumed running duties on a treadmill, and he hopes to join the main training group within the coming weeks.

A beefed-up Fyfe trained with the Dockers on Monday following his recent training block in LA.

Troubled forward Shane Yarran was also on the track.

Yarran has been charged with aggravated assault over an incident involving a family member earlier this month.

The 27-year-old will plead not guilty when he fronts court next month.

The future of Michael Johnson also remains unclear after the defender was alleged to have punched two men inside a kebab shop earlier this month.


Police are investigating that incident.
