The Roar
The Roar


Why Burgess escaping suspension is a disgraceful mistake

Sam Burgess. (Photo by Will Russell/Getty Images)
7th August, 2019
1988 Reads

In arguably the most contentious judiciary decision of 2019, South Sydney captain Sam Burgess escaped suspension for his careless high tackle on Cronulla’s Matt Moylan on Tuesday night.

After successfully arguing the charge should be downgraded from Grade 2 to Grade 1, the Rabbitohs skipper will lineup for his side in a huge crunch match against the Melbourne Storm at the Central Coast on Sunday.

But this has drawn enormous furore from fans and analysts alike, not in small part due to the fact Moylan will miss the Sharks’ Friday night clash with Penrith due to the concussion he suffered as a result of Burgess’ hit.

Did the judiciary get this one right? Or have they made a grave error in the fight to protect sports stars from life-altering head injuries?

We were joined on the Game of Codes podcast by Roar rugby league expert Tim Gore to discuss the controversy.

Listen to the discussion:

Burgess’ escape from suspension has also proved controversial due to the large rap sheet he’s collated during his career in Australian rugby league. The forward has been suspended seven times for a total of ten weeks during his nine seasons in the NRL.

The Moylan incident has his fifth citation for a careless high tackle.


Visit our Game of Codes hub to catch the full episode and be sure to subscribe and review on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or wherever else you’re listening.
