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The media are to blame for the Wallabies' failure

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Roar Guru
17th August, 2019
8076 Reads

An ongoing issues with current Australian sides is that they seem to live for the present and not the future.

This year has been, to say the least, very disappointing for all Australian national teams.

The Women’s FIFA World Cup was a failure. The men’s Cricket World Cup was an even bigger failure. And the biggest failure of them all was the heavily favoured netball team, who coincidentally lost against New Zealand – huge underdogs.

The constant factor has been the Australian media hyping teams up for their current form, not knowing how the coverage could affect their possible futures.

Two out of those three World Cup teams were hyped as heavy favourites prior to the tournament beginning. Both teams fell short, maybe due to a better opposition.

But my guess is the media and heavy pressure.

Back to the topic at hand.

The Wallabies absolutely dominated the All Blacks last week. They were all over them in every facet of the game. The media believed this was the revival. They all believed this was the year to end the Bledisloe hoodoo.

Nic White

(Photo by Paul Kane/Getty Images)

All this hype signed the Wallabies death warrant.

Going into the match at Eden Park tonight, all the Australian media went off last week’s performance, believing it could happen again. They all wanted to believe lightning would strike twice.

Lightning struck alright, but it was in the wrong form – definitely not the form the Wallabies wanted!

They were outmuscled, outplayed, outsmarted and outwitted in an epic clash. The All Blacks were back to their dominant best, coming off a terrible loss last week.

This performance was always coming. Coach Michael Cheika and co. didn’t think for some second that it would be a walk in the park.

What doesn’t help? Every media outlet portraying you as on top of the world and believing you’re unstoppable after one big win.


It happens a lot within the Australian sports media. They like to get carried away and believe their current teams are the best in their given sport, not knowing their pressure and hype is affecting the future.

The Wallabies can definitely compete for the World Cup, we saw that last week. They were epic.

If only the Australian media could keep a tight lid on their buzz, maybe the lads wouldn’t feel as much pressure leading up to big games.

I love the Trans-Tasman rivalry as much as anyone, so let’s keep getting better, Wallabies.

It is much needed – but the media made your bed at the 80th minute last weekend.

Unfortunately for you, and the rest of Australia.
