The Roar
The Roar


As sport goes into lockdown, what do you want to read on The Roar?

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23rd March, 2020
3412 Reads

Sport can so often provide a welcome distraction to the unpleasantries of real-world events we’d rather avoid. So to see so many competitions cancelled or postponed due to coronavirus is, to say the least, unnerving.

Particularly if you’re, oh, I dunno, the editor of a website which covers said events.

In times like these, it’s quite right for sport to take a back seat to the most pressing societal matters. Much as we all hate to see our local cricket finals cancelled and the start of the season for club rugby, soccer and other codes postponed, it’s hard to argue against them when you consider the seriousness of this pandemic.

While we confine ourselves to our homes, everyone will need to keep themselves entertained. Where sport would have been perfect, we now need something to fill the hours-long void left in place of AFL, NRL, Super Rugby, cricket, and just about every other competition in the world except for the A-League. And even then, it’s only a matter of time – likely as soon as this morning – before football is also forced into a hiatus.

Likewise, it’s going to be a little tricky for us to continue publishing opinion columns on sport’s goings-on when there’s no sport going on.

And while we’ve got a plentiful supply of ideas to keep everyone entertained in the coming weeks, this website wouldn’t be where it is – indeed, it wouldn’t exist – without the input of our loyal readers and commenters, and sports fans in general. So we want you to tell us what you want to read on The Roar in the coming weeks and months when there’s a hell of a lot less sport to watch.

Whether it’s looking back on matches past while there are no new ones to watch, ranking the best players in a sport like we’ve already done with the AFL and NRL this year, trying to forecast what Australian sport will look like once this mess is over, mock-up ‘live’ coverage of what the seasons might have looked like, or something completely and utterly different, let us know what you want to read and watch in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to make it happen.

If there’s an idea you’d like to make happen yourself, remember you can always send in an article (or articles) for us to publish.


Most importantly, this is a strange time for everyone. People everywhere are going to be feeling, among a range of emotions, uncertain, lonely and worried as countries and communities around the globe try to deal with the spread of coronavirus. So now, more than ever, please keep your comments on The Roar respectful, and look after yourselves.

One last thing: you’ll no doubt notice in the coming weeks that we’ve cooled our jets on the number of new articles and videos on The Roar. With live sport on hold and our advertisers pausing, we are sure you’ll understand and stick with us.
