The Roar
The Roar


Jean's words a delusion, Hooper's smile an illusion

Michael Hooper is a veritable angel (AAP Image/Dave Hunt)
Roar Guru
6th September, 2014
4071 Reads

While being interviewed after their heartbreaking defeat to the Wallabies, South Africa’s Jean De Villiers response was to say “that’s rugby”.

While I have much respect for him, I tend to disagree. South Africa didn’t play much rugby to justify that statement. One Roarer’s comment stands out for me as best describing our game plan – “two Kickers, thirteen chasers.”

I can’t tell you how difficult it was, as a Springbok fan, to watch our team dominate certain aspects of play only to kick valuable possession away and watch the opposition attack at their leisure.

The Wallabies did not play well. They lacked accuracy in most of their attacking play and their skills were sub-par at best. You could commend them on their defence at times but the Boks didn’t make life very difficult for them.

The Boks’ backline was non-existent. Their play was so negative at times, it was almost offensive. If tactical kicking was our only option on attack, we failed miserably. Willie Le Roux, a masterclass last year, has been understandably off form and his tactical kicking even more so.

There were plenty of people berating George Clancy for a few poor refereeing blunders, and I tend to agree with them, but I don’t believe his decisions had any impact on the final result. It was the Boks’ own doing.

Expect more of the same next week, except they’ll be playing a polished side with all the confidence in the world. Things could get ugly. If you’re South African, I’d suggest recording it and watching it later if necessary.

While being interviewed after their last gasp win over the Springboks, Australia’s Michael Hooper response was a gleaming smile.


I’m not sure whether this response was warranted. His team were trailing for most of the game and their scrum was taking great pressure from a Springbok pack, well defeated two weeks beforehand.

Their lack of accuracy on attack and lack of discipline throughout almost cost them. The Springboks were there for the taking.

Australia need to re-group before the Argentinians arrive, otherwise I fear they may be in trouble. At least they are working on their combinations – an area where the Boks have regressed greatly in my opinion. I believe Kurt Beale will find his place and the halfback pairing have done enough to warrant another start.

Needless to say, Hooper’s gleaming smile may be short lived unless his side digs deep, gets their combinations completely right and maintain their discipline.
