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Joined March 2021









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The Gordon brothers were a big part of the Qld pathways system, but a lack of opportunity given to Carter took him and Mason to the Rebels. I don’t know if either would be keen to play for Qld even though Mason is playing for Wests in the Hospitals Cup.

Tupou to Tahs, LSL to Reds, Gordon eyes NRL switch: Where Rebels stars will find new homes in Super Rugby

Yet again the beaks are the only winners. Does anybody have any idea of how much money has gone out of the game and into the coffers of the lawyers during the so-called professional era of rugby. I dare say there would be enough to fund a third tier, subsidies grassroots and pay for a proper pathways system for players and coaches.
I can’t remember who said it, but the Wallabies were the most professional team of the amateur era and the most amateur team of the professional era. Sad but true.

Battleground full of losers leaves more instability for Australian rugby as RA plays a risky game

I think Sam suffered from”the next Richie” label that was attached to him very early in his career.
Sam has been a terrific servant for the All Blacks. I wish Australia had a few like him.

What most people will remember Sam Cane for - and what they should instead

Whatever Carter does next there is a very good chance his younger brother Mason would follow.
I think they will both stay in rugby and will likely be our next set of brothers in the Wallabies.

Is Carter Gordon really an NRL prospect... and which Australian rugby legends could have made the switch too?

Why can’t you look at Lolesio and Gordon playing 10-12? You

Five things: Aussie sides finally discover what it takes to compete against Kiwis, rookie outshines World Cup Wallaby

As much as I appreciate that stats can give you a better understanding of what’s happening, I think you are under selling the impact that personalities have in team sports.
I have been involved with some really talented sides that achieved not much. I have also played in some “dud” sides that won the comp.
The goal of every team has to be that the results are greater than the sum of the collective parts. This is can feel like trying to catch lightning in a bottle, but when you have it you know.

Too old, too slow: Do these two stats explain why Souths have fallen off a cliff in 2024?

I think too many people have enabled Latrell’s bullying behaviour. Whether it is challenging the ref to make a call or putting pressure on the NRL to hand out a punishment before anyone was charged.
It’s looking more and more like Sam Burgess’s reasons for leaving Souths are very valid.

Latrell's not walking the walk after talking the talk: Souths should be worried after star goes missing against Roosters

It’s great to see more women committing to Rugby fully and not trying to juggle it with RL or AFL. This can only assist in getting up to speed to regularly challenge the Kiwis and the Poms.

'Established names meet blossoming pathways' - Ten reasons we’re pumped Super Rugby Women’s is back

Whilst PVL makes it all about the fan, participation numbers in the juniors are on a downward trajectory. Just changing the rules to suit the whim of the casual fan is not sustainable. The game should be making it safer and more enjoyable to play,not watch, to ensure real long time growth.

Exclusive: 'We want $1 billion'- V'landy's bullish vision of expansion, new Cup comp and staggering wealth

To be fair to Harry Potter, he was genuinely contesting the ball in the air. The fact that it looked so ugly is partly to blame on the lifters who did not control the ball receiver.

Five things we learned: Why Schmidt is in a better place than Rennie was, how Kiss has transformed Reds

I get this very focussed on the Wallaby level, but co-ordinating high performance programs has to start at junior level. We have to work out a way where private school footy does not ruin the club scene.
That RA have allowed many private schools to pick and choose when the fall under the RA umbrella and when they choose not to is a major problem.

Waugh reveals shocking $2.6 million unapproved budget blowout on Eddie Jones' World Cup debacle

I stand with you on the “verse” hill. I am constantly correcting my uni educated sons that you do not verse anybody. It does my head in.

NRL Round 1 talking points: That was great, let’s try it again!

It’s nice to have a coach that talks like an adult and isn’t constantly condescending.
I like that he is encouraging the guys playing locally whilst no discounting the overseas contingent. As he says, cohesion is the key.

Schmidt's dossier: Coach details plans and timing on selections and assistants as new Wallaby era launches

I don’t understand why the NRL would not be promoting the Master’s event. They have known about it for a while and it would be a great vehicle to show the Americans what the game is really about.

Why a letter to V'landys and a rugby league Elvis wedding means it will be on for young and old in Vegas

If the NRL wants to stop the refs from being the main topic of conversation, they have to stop changing the interpretations of the rules at the drop of a hat. Constantly reacting to commentators and chasing TV ratings is making refereeing nigh on impossible.

In 2024, we need to leave the NRL’s favourite topic alone - it’s time to shut up about referees

To be fair, Scotland could not get out of their own way in the first half. It seemed like neither side wanted to hold onto the ball.
England are really a one trick pony with their rush defence. If the “shooters” don’t make the tackle or corral the opposition back inside, no one knows what to do.

Six Nations: 'Can't believe it' - Scotland break 128-year drought with win over England, Irish streak away from Wales

Is it really “Centralization” if only one team is under trust umbrella?

Moment of truth looms for Coleman’s Waratahs - and more is on the line for NSW should their season come to naught

I can see the Rebels being the best Australian team. A lot of their play last year was superb and with a slight improvement in the cattle and some experience for the likes of Carter they should be turning those close losses into wins.
Equally I can see them being the worst Oz side. If things don’t go their way early, be it injury, form or refereeing,they could turn into a bit of a rabble knowing it will probably be their last year.
I am really hoping for the first option because they were my favourite team to watch last year.

Now or never for the Melbourne Rebels, as Australia’s five-franchise structure faces the final test

I think the biggest headache for the Canes is who will replace Ardie in being the glue that holds the team together. It will be interesting to see if anyone can carry the team on their back like Ardie did many times.

Loss of experience and new coach sees a season of transition for Canes, but groundwork for title charge looms

I must admit I am getting sick of the Eddie supporters saying that just because he works so hard he is world class. I don’t care how hard you work, if you have bad strategies and keep doing things that don’t work over and over you are just wasting time.

All Black coaches give Storm boost as Ryles hails lessons from 'world class' Eddie after his role in World Cup fiasco

Hi Geoff, while I wholeheartedly support the lowering of the tackle height, the devil is always in the detail. For example, what if the defender is playing at the ball, attempting to start a maul? Will that be penalized and if so, is it the end of mauling in general play.
Rugby is based around the contest for the ball but if it is reduced to just rucking( and the inconsistencies around the jackler) the game will be fundamentally changed.
This is not necessarily a bad thing but should be considered.

The Wrap: Concussion is a key area where Australian rugby can become a leader, not a follower

I think this loss has been coming for a while. The arrogance of the cricket community in Australia is amazing. Both Pakistan and the Windiest were completely written off before a ball was bowled. Both were very competitive.
The Australia batting line up has been brittle for a long time. I don’t see it becoming stronger as they all age out.

Test Mortem: Green’s golden status fading as batting unit becomes fragile, Windies need help to kick on from Gabba glory

Hi Geoff, unfortunately the spotlight is on the Rebels at the moment, whether justified or not.
The real questions should be what have QLD and NSW done over the past few decades to maintain and grow the game.
Their outright refusal to address the issues between Private School and Club competitions is killing what should be our biggest growth area.
Also the blind attachment to the Shute Shield and Hospital Cup, to the detriment of any other suggested national solution is just embarrassing.
I had a moment of optimism when Herbert and Waugh formed the sharp end of RA, but that is waning quickly.

The Wrap: Unity, integrity and the other casualties of shameful leaks aimed at the Rebels

The biggest threat Schmidt faces is from the self interest driven State unions. Everybody is hoping that having Schmidt, Nucifora and Horne back together will magically create a united and centralized model of RA. If the Sydney “faceless few” can’t dial down their egos and keep stopping any positive changes because it’s not their idea than it will a long couple of years for RA.
If RA can get some genuine co-operation between the states and franchises, I think the Wallabies can turn the ship around quite quickly and at least halt the slide down the rankings if not start climbing.

COMMENT: In trading Greatest Showman for 'boring' and 'pragmatic' Sleepy Joe, RA gambling with game's future

Don’t forget Tonie Carroll. Played for NZ, Australia, and Qld.

If Kiwis and Poms are allowed to play, Origin might be about to stumble into eligibility rules that work
