The Roar
The Roar


Roar Guru

Joined September 2010









amazonfan hasn't published any posts yet

“I’m glad you don’t care about what I think of your comments. I certainly couldn’t care less what you believe or think of my comments.”

Whatever, this whole discussion could have been averted if you hadn’t been so arrogant, and not expected people to take you at your word. But, as you say, you couldn’t care less whether people believe you.

“I’ll express my opinion and make comments however I see fit and I hope everyone does the same, without having every sentence copied and pasted and dissected.”

Good for you, however I will also  express my opinion and make comments however I see fit, and that means copying, pasting, and dissecting every sentence, should I choose to do so. Or you a hypocrite who wants to post in whatever way you want, but don’t want me to post however I want?

“I’ve never seen anyone do crap like that before.”

I’ve never seen anyone do the crap that you do; post statements as fact, but refuse to provide evidence. Oh, and what was it you said about being disrespectful? 

 “I’m not an authority on what’s disrespectful. I simply expressed my opinion of what I think of your comments.”

I don’t care what you think of my comments; as not only do I not care about your opinion, but you have no idea about the context or history with certain members. Not to mention you accused me of being disrespectful towards other members, and you have been disrespectful towards me! Yet another hypocrisy from you.

“Are you what is known as a troll?”

Are you? I could ask the exact same question to you, only I actually know what I’m talking about.

I probably won’t be responding again.

Why Malthouse is the right pick

“Malthouse being approached 6 months ago is unrelated to my previous post.”

What? You brought it up!

“It has nothing to do with your previous post which I addressed first.”

How did you address my post? I never made any comments about your previous posts.

“It is simply another comment. Responding has nothing to do with whether I care what you believe or don’t believe.”

Whatever, you were the one who specifically mentioned it. 

“And who made you the authority as to whether anyone is allowed to make a comment without naming their source.”

I never said you weren’t allowed to make any comments, I said you can’t expect anyone to believe anything you say if you’re not willing to name sources. That’s pretty obvious.

“I have no expectation as to whether anyone takes my word for any comment I make. Believe whatever you like.”

You said ‘That’s come from a reliable source and is true’, and yet you don’t have any expexctation whether anyone takes your word? Right.

“Just as a side note, I have found your other comments in this thread to others to be disrespectful.”

As a side note, I couldn’t care less what you think of my other comments. You have no idea about my history with certain members, nor about the context. Anyway who made you the authority on what is respectful or disrespectful?

Why Malthouse is the right pick

“That’s come from a reliable source and is true.”

I suppose I should just take your word for it then?

Where is the evidence that Mick hates Collingwood?

“Malthouse was approached 6 months ago….”

Uh, what does that have to do with what I said since that was an entirely different post, which I didn’t respond to.

The post I responded to was about why Mick might take the job, and you don’t have any evidence that he’s considering the job for any reason other that he still wants to coach.

“You can choose to believe whatever you want. I couldn’t care less.”

Yet you responded.

Oh, and just so you know, you can’t just come onto a sports site, cite unnamed sources, and expect people to take your word for it. It doesn’t work that way.

Why Malthouse is the right pick

Pavlich certainly is. I’m not sure about Sandilands.

Goddard could be a Docker in 2013

Wow, you are so deluded!

Why Malthouse is the right pick

“your still alive i thought you might have been eaten by a piranha.”

So you still refuse to read posts?

“If you did read my post i clearly stated that i thought premierships won in four tean years shouldn’t have the same value as those won in 12 or more team years.” 

I guess premierships in 12 team years shouldn’t have the same value as those won in 16 or more team years

“i’ll ignore your semantics”

You mean the truth. Brisbane & Fitzroy are separate clubs, but don’t let the truth concern you. You haven’t before.

“as your still wounded”

I think you’re projecting, you couldn’t wound a fly.

“from a past truth i exposed about you.”

That not only am I much smarter than you, and know more about football than you (a tip: research Cazaly before you embarass yourself next time) but I intimidate you so much that you created a fairy tale where you defeated me, when you lost the moment you put pen to paper! You mean that truth?

Why Malthouse is the right pick

Not that I owe you an explanation, but I was commenting on the decision, not the match itself. The match was terrific, but that particular decision? Pathetic.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with my actual point that the World Cup wasn’t tainted.

“To me, if anyone who thinks that match was “pathetic”, it reflects more on their ability to appreciate & understand the subtle nuances & emotions – the pain, the injustice, the feeling of desperation – that have to be embraced because they are inherent with following the Beautiful Game.”

Whatever, I don’t care what you think about my ‘ability’ to appreciate any sport.

A-League must make most out of Del Piero

The Italy vs Australia match was pathetic, but to say that the World Cup was tainted as a result is absurd. Plus, the World Cup has nothing to do with match fixers/paid off  referees.

You may not like it that Italy won, but they did, and their victory was legitimate.

A-League must make most out of Del Piero

I was actually thinking that he was referring to the Italy vs Australia match. Regardless, it wasn’t tainted.

A-League must make most out of Del Piero

How was the World Cup tainted?

A-League must make most out of Del Piero

Especially since the media never lets the player forget it.

New Orleans Saints to struggle in 2012

“For me I’ve always hated Carlton.”

So says the person who attacked Melbourne supporters for hating Collingwood. You’re just like your president.

Why Malthouse is the right pick

The AFL is simply the VFL with a name change. It has more non-Victorian teams than the competition did when it was called the VFL, but West Coast & Brisbane joined the VFL and South Melbourne relocated to Sydney when it was named the VFL as well. Naming it the AFL was a matter of formality. It did not create a new competition.

Why Malthouse is the right pick

Fitzroy and Brisbane are separate clubs. As such, Brisbane has won 3 flags (not 11). Also, isn’t wanting to scrap pre-1925 flags being disrespectful to the past?

Why Malthouse is the right pick

Strummer, if you think that Melbourne still tanks, then you seriously don’t know anything about football. Oh, in case you’re not aware, Melbourne is not the only club to have tanked.

Why Malthouse is the right pick

For all your psychoanalysis of Malthouse, do you even know him?

You have no idea what he thinks of Eddie or why he wants to coach again. Perhaps he wants to coach again because he may very well love coaching and he still has the ‘hunger’ for it? Which is basically what he has said.

Why Malthouse is the right pick

Agreed. It should also be asked why why should the Australian football community care what any non-football fan in Australia thinks about anything to do with the Great Australian Game? Not to mention this is another AFL/NRL thread in which this person, who claims to not be interested in Australian football/League, is posting on.

Gill McLachlan to stay with AFL, will not take up NRL CEO role

Actually you do want Cloke. Swan said that Carlton would be in the “hunt” for Cloke should he decide to leave the Magpies.

Why Malthouse is the right pick

To be fair to Pagan, he arrived at the worst of possible times. Not even Norm Smith could have done much with the situation Carlton was in. Plus Pagan didn’t have much support from the club.

Why Malthouse is the right pick

No, if it was end of story, nobody would be discussing it. Or should we cease discussion because you declare it to be end of story?

The point is that, the selectors aren’t obligated to ANYONE, regardless of their history.

Andrew Strauss quits all forms of cricket

It wasn’t entirely terrible. Until he got injured, Fev was hailed by quite a few journalists (Garry Lyon for instance) for playing among the best football of his career.

AFL contenders traded their way to success

“You must have a lot of time on your hands and be craving a bit of attention if you feel the need to personally criticise people’s opinions with such ferocity.”

So says the person who attacked other people with such ferocity in her original post (perverts, for instance). I could say the exact same thing to you. You must have a lot of time on your hands and be craving a bit of attention…

“I didn’t find the need to criticise everyone else, I was just commenting on the article”

Right, whatever you say. To think that people criticise other people’s opinions on a discussion site, that’s horrifying.

“and my opinions are not irrelevant to me.”

If you’re referring to when I labelled one of your comments irrelevant, I stand by that. Your being female, an athlete, and a mother of young boys, is irrelevant. Why do you presume that your bio lends further credence to your opinions? I wouldn’t presume that my bio lends further credence to my opinions.

“I suggest you read the Roar’s “comments policy”.

Give me a break. Are you really this sensitive? Not to mention hypocritical? My post was fine. Perhaps you should read the comnents policy, or better yet, not go onto a sports site? Ridiculous.

“Good luck to you.”


Lingerie Football League launches in Australia [VIDEO]

I’m fine with that, however I fear that could lead to a lessening in prestige of making the GF, and the premiership itself. I don’t want a situation where becoming champions is more prestigious than making (but losing) the GF.

Should entire AFL lists get premiership medals?

Can we leave Vlad to anti-AFLers like Oikee and DB Swanny?

AFL No.2 considers big rugby league offer

I fully agree with that. Just as players no longer want runner-up medals, I doubt the Matthew Egans and Tony Modras of the world want a premiership medal. It would simply remind them that they actually missed the premiership.

Should entire AFL lists get premiership medals?
