The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined February 2023







Food, rugby, wine. Not in that order.



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The Lynagh hit was very late and also the arms not wrapping was questionable. He did some other big hits which were perfectly timed and great.

I agree, I like the big bits and definitely shouldn’t be taken out of the game.
So many grey areas, and I honestly thought Ben o’keif reffed that decision well.

The Wrap: Blues still must prove they can stand up when it counts, Brumbies' target exposed

The kiwi packs haven’t been dominating in super rugby this year either. It’s very up and down accross most teams.

Super Rugby shows that the Bledisloe Cup isn't going anywhere - one selection could give the Wallabies hope

instead of rugby going hard on money for a player they don’t know will succeed, they should give him a lower wage, and make him show his worth. Like the non athletes world, you never start on the highest wage at a new/different career. Work your way up.

Rooster must remodel: Angus Crichton says he'd want to 'dominate' in rugby union - this is what he'd have to change

I can’t work out how they officiate these things when they have the time to. I understand in game you have 0 time to make a call and things will be missed. But to go to a tribunal and the outcomes are always so different when they have all the time to make a decision. I thought this was pretty black and white. Not like a high tackle with dipping or other factors.

Lomani gets huge discount on ban for shocking elbow after guilty plea, teammate has penalty halved

Pretty lucky to get two weeks and six weeks.
I really like the players, but what they did should not deserve a “discount” and should face the full amount of time given.

Lomani gets huge discount on ban for shocking elbow after guilty plea, teammate has penalty halved

Amazing signing. One thing that still lingers in my head though is the wallabies don’t have much time together. I wonder if they get to implement things before the official squad is announced and the wallabies team get together?

'It can be something great': Schmidt turns to 'scrum doctor' as next step in Wallabies rebuild

You probably didn’t watch the game judging by reading your comment.
It was fantastic rugby.
Jordan actually played very well, made multiple breaks, defending well and was a threat each time he had the ball. Also held onto the ball for once.
T wright has been on form lately, and is having more impact than brain explosions. Definitely test worthy.
The defence of both teams shut down a lot of each which was great to watch.

'It was brutal': Clutch Lolesio kicks Brumbies to 'Test match intensity' win over Reds as Wright shines again

I don’t disagree with you about playing on the edge. But he plays on the wrong side of the edge and draws too much attention on himself. I really like Darcy and always have rated him. He’s a great rugby player. If he can change his aggression into more of not being noticed it will be huge on his game.
Tates tackle to be honest I didn’t think too much into until I read your comment and a few others. I thought it was just a small guy making a desperate shit tackle and his legs accidentally got caught up.
It’s not in our laws at the moment. But introduced into NFL laws I think, so wonder if it will be introduced into ours.

'It was brutal': Clutch Lolesio kicks Brumbies to 'Test match intensity' win over Reds as Wright shines again

Great game.
Darcy swain needs to pull his head in.
Was a very physical game, bok reffed very well.
LC I dont think would have been there if JOC was available, definitely understanding the rotating of the younger players.

'It was brutal': Clutch Lolesio kicks Brumbies to 'Test match intensity' win over Reds as Wright shines again

I support a tight, hard coach. As long as he’s honest and the players no where they stand will be the difference between him and Eddie.

More 'Scary Schmidt' than 'Sleepy Joe': Ireland tales that show the new Wallabies coach could be a polarising figure

I understand his frustration. But he has failed to mention there were decisions against the South African team as well that shouldn’t have been or some that weren’t seen.
I’m pretty sure on roar, or could have been on another website that went in to detail on the decisions for both sides.
Yes it suck’s, but it was a great game and if are to criticise decisions against you so hard, you better talk about the decisions that benefit your team as well.

'Grow up': France coach still crying salty tears over RWC exit, makes 'disgusting' claim about Kiwi ref

I’d like to see him have another crack at full back in the 15’s or a utility player.
He’s such an exciting player to watch.

'Why wouldn't you?': Beale backed for NRL switch by cross-code great

I love mark n, but I don’t beleive he should be considered for the wallabies.
A player staying in the code should be given a chance to create cohesion in the squad and depth.
We know marks a good player, so when and if he’s back, let’s see if he can work his way into the squad.

Wallabies Power Rankings: How every Test contender is shaping up one month into Super Rugby

Support play and not dropping the ball are two of the biggest fixes we need.
Wallabies support to the rucks, line breaks and general play has been poor over the years.
Reds are doing that this year, their support play has been unreal.

Joe Schmidt's search for a 'cold-hearted bastard' - and the issue he'll lose most sleep over

Can I just say, for everybody.
Please f*%# off Eddie jones. He’s the last person I want to see in the media talking about Australian rugby.
Every time he pops up it’s something controversial and just depressing.
No more Eddie in Australian rugby and Aussie media, he had his chance. He lost it.

'Everything was approved': Eddie hits back at $2.6m RWC budget blow-out, says Wallabies can build team around young gun

The reds look better every week. Yea that second half was crap, but probably needed for more improvement.

The forward pack is really laying the foundations for the team, and it’s something Aussie rugby has been missing.

The wallabies support play is crap and has been for years. The reds have that support play for each other and is growing every week. It’s proper rugby. Hopefully this translates into other teams/national setup.

In the mean time, I hope reds keep going on this path.

McReight masterclass, Uru statement: Reds smash Rebels in Aussie Super Rugby derby

It’s not about the one result.
All 3 games have shown reds to have improved and also bring different different plans into their games.

'Be useful': how unrivalled discipline and work rate is lifting the Reds to new heights

Pretty harsh 4 weeks.
Barret got only 3.

Why haven’t they looked at the late tackle? That was intentional, a total disregard to player safety and obvious. And second week in a row.

Tupou won't shy away from hurting ex-teammates in first clash against old team, Reds prop cops surprising four-match ban

Not really, defensive issues stopping the line break happening, leaving a channel open. Tate also may have called for the ball. Might have been pre planned. I think it was a collective issue as well an inexperience issue.
Not ruling out he was his mistake, but he shouldn’t be judged on that one alone to end his career. Pretty rough call if that’s how you judge a player always been 100 percent accurate.

Jed, Ned and Tane Edmed: The direction Joe Schmidt should head to put Eddie era to bed

There’s an argument Tate was too close to the line and not giving himself room.

Jed, Ned and Tane Edmed: The direction Joe Schmidt should head to put Eddie era to bed

Definitely, and hopefully keep him around the squad to learn the ropes not just thrown into it.

Problem with Aussies for the number 10, we aren’t patient. Hopefully the new coach creates that patience

Jed, Ned and Tane Edmed: The direction Joe Schmidt should head to put Eddie era to bed

Great article. Do you think tom hooper will grow and learn. I wasn’t displeased with his first stint. one thing I noticed was he looked a little out of place as he didn’t know what he was meant to be doing. probably the whole team though…
Ned H is definitely becoming a fine wine, getting better with age. Who would you pick out of him and Liam wright? I find them in similar game styles with Liam having a bit more physicality in him.
What’s your though Tom l? He’s definitely a bit young to throw in there, but he looks solid already at the commanding role. isn’t afraid of defence or to take it to the line. Plus the bonus of his kicking.

Jed, Ned and Tane Edmed: The direction Joe Schmidt should head to put Eddie era to bed

Nic berry did everything right to be honest. TMO let him down. He even went to change his decision but TMO intervened again and made it impossible for him too.

Six Nations: Late penalty decides England-Wales thriller, Aussie ref in strife after denying Scots winning try against France

I think it’s awesome that people want to come play for the wallabies. If they qualify then they totally deserve the chance!
End of the day it’s the jersey and fans that the player is playing for. The player has made their choice up and no doubt a hard one.
It’s only going to make the depth and country better with more skill in the domestic comps.

Why ex-All Blacks prop is open to Wallabies switch - and the 'mental toughness' he's found in Australia

This is a mess haha

'No longer have any trust or faith': Rugby Australia chairman told to resign by SIX states, EGM looms with 'gloves off'
