The Roar
The Roar


Roar Pro

Joined July 2014







Expat Tahs tragic



You’ve chosen your words well Nicholas. On current form, I agree entirely. But from the little I have seen of Jordan Petaia, I would consider him a definite wild-card if he were available and in form at the pointy end of the season. Which of Kerevi or Hunt would miss out becomes a crap-shoot.

Why the Wallabies should be on the midfield K-trail

Thanks for the B’day wishes OB and Chook. You’re right OB, it was not the Chief’s best night – but much of that was down to the passion of the Tahs. In fact it reminded me of how Australia (has to) play on the rare occasions that they beat the ABs – a blueprint for the Bledisloe (easier said than done).

The Wrap: Super Rugby hits pause button just as things hot up

Let me boldly say Allanthus that your column is now one of the best on this site. No, strike that – the best column (see what I did there).

On rugby matters, the Tahs gave me the best birthday present in many a long year. That was the best they’d played since 2014. While the Chiefs tactics helped, the champagne was all the Tahs. Phipps should gift more teams a try – he was outstanding in making amends. The forwards finally figured out how to pass and catch without dropping, Folou was magisterial and Hooper awe inspiring. Can you tell I’m still buzzed?

The Wrap: Super Rugby hits pause button just as things hot up

That’s a very good team Scott, and one I’d be happy with. However, I don’t see Cheika be so adventurous as to introduce as much new blood.

Wallaby squad for England (well a possibility at least!)

A well argued suggestion Chook, but I beg to disagree. While a red card certainly has the potential to “ruin” a game as a spectacle, it needs to be there as a deterrent. I don’t have exact figures, but there are relatively few reds compared to yellows. This tells me that the correct red-card laws are in place and the referees are correctly interpreting them. Not only that but the players are mostly behaving themselves. Further, during the game the idea of intent is irrelevant – that is something for the judiciary to sort out.

But no system is perfect when subjectivity is involved. There will be players sent off who should not be, and those not sent off who should be. That is the glorious uncertainty of Rugby.

When the Red Mist descends, send 'em for ten

Brett the glass half full guy. Excellent. As a Tahs supporter who is resigned to a long season, it is good to see some of the young guys coming through and some of the established guys going well. Were I Gibson I would probably give Lucas more game time too. Why they gave Palu a contract is beyond me. With a prop and a couple of locks we’d have a competitive team.

Yes, there were positives for the Aussies this weekend

Guys, thank you for the analysis and conclusions – but seriously, you have way too much time on your hands.

My 2c worth: It is easy to blame referees – I do it all the time. But while the laws of Rugby are so complex, referees will have trouble being consistent interpreters. Some do it better than others. Those with pedantic dispositions will interpret differently to those with easy-going dispositions.

I wonder what sort of results you would get if you did a similar analysis of a soccer competition (say the English Premier League) where the rules of the game are less complex – whether you would find any referee influence.

A study of penalty distribution in 2015 Super Rugby

That will work only until McKenzie smiles at them.

I’m not sure the Chiefs will drop another game in 2016

Welcome David, and thanks for an insightful analysis. Looking at the names in your article, Eddie Jones has some pretty good cattle to work with and the series will certainly be close. If it was being played in England you might have a show, but down-under I think Australia will have an edge. 1-2 is probably your best hope.

Do England have a chance in June?

I’m told Brett that I’m the quintessential grumpy old man, so the avatar is only fair I suppose.

The glorious and overcomplicated world of rugby laws

Fair point Brett. I guess it just comes down to how you define that the contest is over.

The glorious and overcomplicated world of rugby laws

Being somewhat of a traditionalist, I guess I’m not seriously suggesting it, but continuing the line of thought…

You are correct Allanthus, that forcing kicks in goal should stay. It comes back to my original idea: that of the ball being *in possession* of an attacking player. So if the ball is loose in-goal, then an attacking player only needs to grab it before it goes dead to score the try.

What I am seriously advocating is to simplify the laws of the game to reduce the role of the ref and TMO to objective adjudicators rather than subjective judges. There are myriad complex laws – not just those around scoring tries – but I thought I would not try and bite off more than I can chew. 🙂

The glorious and overcomplicated world of rugby laws

Well, I am kinda advocating for Mr Devil, but what does the act of grounding actually add to the game? The hard work has all been done getting to the line – it seems pointless to have lots of ways of *not* scoring a try.

The glorious and overcomplicated world of rugby laws

Why not remove most of the uncertainty and just change the rule to be something like the NFL: the ball must simply cross the line while in the possession of an attacking player.

The glorious and overcomplicated world of rugby laws

Huge fan Allanthus, but sadly I’ve not seen them live (on my bucket list though). You Tube has to suffice for now.

The Wrap: New Zealand Super Rugby conference flexes its muscles

I think his insertion of the Tedeschi Trucks Band was even more inspired… excellent work all round.

The Wrap: New Zealand Super Rugby conference flexes its muscles

I’ll admit I’m nit-picking Spiro, but for most of NSW’s 134 years, there were no substitutes. Mind you, Holloway should never have been a sub – Palu was shocking.

It seems to me from watching the Tah’s first 3 games that they don’t lack for passion, but they are tactically dumb. They are also badly missing a few good forwards. And while I’m a big fan of KB, he is not best placed at 1st receiver. Even with Foley back to straighten the attack and kick a few goals, I think they will struggle to make the playoffs this year.

Brumbies cop a pie from the Peyper

Thanks Harry, for the information but you seriously do my head in. In fact I’m about 86% on the HE B G B’s scale.

Super Rugby's premature underperformers and overachievers

The statement “I don’t know whether Australian rugby should be prepping possible All Blacks coaches” does not really make sense. Spiro, have you not heard the expression: “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”. An ambitious, smart coach is exactly what any franchise should want, and their nationality should not come into play.

B52 Brumbies v Waratahs: This is the big one!

No Muzzo, never spoken to either. But I was at the game and saw “the incident”. I was barely a teenager, but it left an indelible impression. Even decent blokes can do bad things in the heat of the moment.

Who belongs on rugby union's Mount Rushmore?

From a non-kiwi point of view you would not want to put Colin “was that Catchpole’s leg?” Meads up there either. I’d rather see Ritchie than Meads.

Who belongs on rugby union's Mount Rushmore?

And you have the added advantage of the twins only needing one head, thus freeing up a spot for Campo. Just need one more Randwick player. Hmm, Michael Chieka perhaps. Just carve it into the sandhills at La Perouse and the job’s done.

Who belongs on rugby union's Mount Rushmore?

Try saying “fast ruck arrival” 10 times quickly.

The stats you don't see on TV: Who was good at being very busy?

I remember Gordon back in the days that the ABC broadcast rugby. He and Trevor Allan were and remain the best rugby commentators I have ever heard – Gordon for all the reasons given by Adam, and Trevor for his insight and dry humour.

Bravo Gordon Bray

I know you don’t make it up David, that was just a bit of levity.

England unimpressive in Rugby World Cup opener
