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Colin Fenwick

Roar Rookie

Joined March 2021









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Previously I didn’t understand the hype around Fakatava as I thought he was over-rated. I will say though, he has started well this year and has started to impress me. Roigard has been very good so far and at this early stage of the season, must have the inside running for the AB #9.

Living in Sydney I’m not up with the politics back in NZ, so when you say, “what is becoming a racial issue with the current government”, what does that mean specifically? This is an honest question.

The Wrap: The two massive power shifts shaping Australian and New Zealand rugby

To me, my cultural needs are irrelevant when seeking medical advice.

Waugh reveals shocking $2.6 million unapproved budget blowout on Eddie Jones' World Cup debacle

Thanks for the reference, ATW.

It does go on a bit though and IMO, lacks specific data to substantiate some of the claims.

I note in only the second paragraph of the Foreword, the Ombudsman sets the tone for the report with the following;

It is not news that Aboriginal people are significantly over-represented in Victorian prisons, as indeed they are around Australia. They make up less than 1 per cent of the Victorian population but 11 per cent of the prison population. It is a shameful legacy for all Australians, rooted in a colonial history of dispossession and violence, the impact of which continues to this day.

Nevertheless, a couple of points from the report, there is section dedicated to Deaths of Aboriginal people in custody (I note they reference the 1991 Royal Commission but not the numerous reports since). Now the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) has a National Death in Custody Program (NDICP) whereby they regularly monitor this. Since from around 2003, NDICP data show Indigenous people are now less likely than non-Indigenous people to die in prison
custody. Also of interest is the state with one of the lowest rates is Victoria.

I also noted from the conclusion of the ombudsman report mentioned the following: Aboriginal people in prison spoke of healthcare that did not meet their basic physical needs, let alone address the cultural, social and emotional elements of health.

I wonder if non-Indigenous prisoners also feel the healthcare wasn’t meeting their needs also?

Waugh reveals shocking $2.6 million unapproved budget blowout on Eddie Jones' World Cup debacle

See my reply to Don.

Waugh reveals shocking $2.6 million unapproved budget blowout on Eddie Jones' World Cup debacle

Ethnocentric: having or based on the idea that your own group or culture is better or more important than others.

It appears you’re not the only one who, not only misinterpreted the actual meaning of the original post, but also the reason for my query.

Waugh reveals shocking $2.6 million unapproved budget blowout on Eddie Jones' World Cup debacle

I would be very surprise if the medical care in Australia has any ethnocentricity bias to it.

Waugh reveals shocking $2.6 million unapproved budget blowout on Eddie Jones' World Cup debacle

Maybe. Personally I preferred that any medical attention I receive from a doctor is based on the best available knowledge, irrespective of what colour either of us is or the perceived benefits (or otherwise) of colonisation.

Waugh reveals shocking $2.6 million unapproved budget blowout on Eddie Jones' World Cup debacle

There’s quite a lot of work being done across government and NGO workspaces (I know, I’m in a specialist medical college and this is literally part of my job…) in terms of addressing colonisation and historic systems that are, effectively, made for white folks.

So in addition to actual medical training, the students also need to make sure they “address colonisation”? Interesting but unsurprising.

Waugh reveals shocking $2.6 million unapproved budget blowout on Eddie Jones' World Cup debacle

Ooops. I think I may have gotten that around the wrong way. Nice pick up.

V'landys may as well be executive chair because he's doing both jobs but league needs to fix lack of female leadership

Well they clearly weren’t the best people for the job…

Quite possibly but in my opinion, being a man neither hindered nor assisted in performing their job. It’s irrelevant.

And the point is being a man makes you more likely to get or keep these jobs despite lack of competence.

Where’s your evidence for this?

V'landys may as well be executive chair because he's doing both jobs but league needs to fix lack of female leadership

Read what you wrote.

It’s funny now people are talking about that when people propose hiring more women.

If it’s about hiring the best person for the job, then it shouldn’t matter what gender, race, age, religious faith etc etc. All that matters is if they are the best person for the job. The author of this article, along with a number of commentators here are putting the horse before the cart, and suggesting gender is an important selection criteria.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

V'landys may as well be executive chair because he's doing both jobs but league needs to fix lack of female leadership

Diversity, whether it be in ethnicity, gender, age or any other factor is important so we can get different perspectives, encourage people to think about things in different ways and also better reflect the communities that we all live in.

Here’s a thought. How about we select individuals based on merit and merit alone?

V'landys may as well be executive chair because he's doing both jobs but league needs to fix lack of female leadership

The point is though, if these individuals had been appointed because they are men, then people would care.

Best person for the job. Full stop.

V'landys may as well be executive chair because he's doing both jobs but league needs to fix lack of female leadership

Well, Netball Australia does come to mind.

'He screwed our state': The act that still angers Twiggy Forrest and why he's not ready to jump back in

I imagine you are right. During preseason it must have become apparent that it wouldn’t survive full contact games.

Still, what a shame.

All Blacks star hit for six months as Crusaders ace goes under the knife to fix shoulder injury

My first reaction was, why wasn’t this diagnosed and then operated on at the end of last season?

All Blacks star hit for six months as Crusaders ace goes under the knife to fix shoulder injury

Scottish on both sides of my family so not really but there might be some Norwegian ancestry there somewhere, so who knows…..

What makes the legendary Colin Meads the prototype for the most complete New Zealand rugby player ever


You are doubling down while ignoring the point of the original comment. You have this knee jerk defence of “culture”, which seems to be triggered by a perceived slight, or in this case, a harmless comment said in jest.

What makes the legendary Colin Meads the prototype for the most complete New Zealand rugby player ever

Naah mate, it was either rugby, basketball or cricket for me.

Actually grew up in Hamilton though.

What makes the legendary Colin Meads the prototype for the most complete New Zealand rugby player ever

Not sure how this is relevant as the point I was making was about those continually looking for reasons to be offended.

FYI. Born and bred in Matamata

What makes the legendary Colin Meads the prototype for the most complete New Zealand rugby player ever

Besides the point, Muzzo.

What makes the legendary Colin Meads the prototype for the most complete New Zealand rugby player ever

But specifically stating it’s not a “jesting point” is showing resentment to the original comment. What you say is most likely true but is besides the point I was making, which is those that want to be offended, will manufactor ways to succeed.

What makes the legendary Colin Meads the prototype for the most complete New Zealand rugby player ever

Of course the haka comment was said in jest which was obvious to all except those that desperately seek reasons to be offended.

What makes the legendary Colin Meads the prototype for the most complete New Zealand rugby player ever

Right back at ya with the list I’ve compiled.

'Choose a better date': Cummins wants Australia Day moved as CA chief sledged for 'bizarre' trainwreck interview

Every single person you mentioned is a journalist, Bretto. Their job is literally to give an opinion.

Now if you want, I can provide a long list on individuals who are at the top of reddish/green ivory towers?

'Choose a better date': Cummins wants Australia Day moved as CA chief sledged for 'bizarre' trainwreck interview
