The Roar
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Roar Rookie

Joined January 2015









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Taking indirect free kicks from closer to the goal or further from the side line are others frequently ignored.

WATCH: Messi's incredible unselfish penalty assist

Didn’t interfere with play … would have been classical if Suarez broke into the box too early though and the goal was disallowed.

WATCH: Messi's incredible unselfish penalty assist

I got the impression that active support groups were asked to present their issues and possible solutions. The FFA reached their own conclusions though to formulate the final regulations. Be interesting to see the responses from some of the active support groups.

FFA ratify new banning procedure

Issues could be in regards to protecting an individual. The FFA would treat any evidence given to them in confidentiality … I doubt that the same respect may be given by some of the accused. This could lead to public lynches etc.

A description could be that an “individual has a recording of your actions, but due to them fearing repercussions the video can not be provided”. From there you’d have to decide whether you want to fight the ban based on that there may be an incriminating video of you, and that it will be reviewed by the appeal board.

FFA ratify new banning procedure

I think the standard of proof will upset a lot of people (esp. those that fall under the brigade you have mentioned).

FFA ratify new banning procedure

“Football’s administrators have enough on their plates with the falling standards of tefereeing and the non-existant standards of commentating”

This last line to me is laughable.

You do realise that the FFA administer the whole sport in Australia? And that the amateur season is about to kick off (and that it is the most played sport in Australia). I am would hope the FFA are more concerned with these matters than one-eyed supporters castrating referees. You can always pick up a whistle yourself (local associations are always on the lookout for refs)!!

Did you know that the Australia futsal team is currently competing in the Asian championships? I would hope the FFA are more concerned with helping the boys achieve a good result than the level of commentating in the A-League.

I would have thought the problem was for the crowd who are at threat of harm because a few people are too immature, disrespectful and selfish to think about anyone but their egos!

Flares are not a football problem, they're a police problem

Looks a pretty good and fair outcome for all involved. This regulation falls in line with the FFA’s general grievances policy, which I am unsure why they didn’t use as a base on their original ban regulations.

Is interesting to note that the punishment for lighting a flare is more severe than being involved in a brawl ….

FFA ratify new banning procedure

LOL … couldn’t they do that as voice overs (or Eurosport love doing the inset windows too)

Tour Down Under: Stage 4 cycling live blog, updates

If you were promoting style at this age then you’d be expecting them to have learned the basics of breaking down a defence. Not acceptable at this level to dominant so much without creating chances.

Olyroos miss out on Rio qualification

Would say especially given some of the punchy climbers in the Tour this year, that Porte would have to be favoured over Dennis.

Tour Down Under: Stage 2 cycling results, blog, updates

Yep … confirmed on Wiki 😛

Tour Down Under: Stage 2 cycling results, blog, updates

Dimension Data probably feel a bit hard done by too considering their good showing in last years Tour de France (albeit as MTN).

Tour Down Under: Stage 2 cycling results, blog, updates

Yeah I thought Porte used the TDU last year to help spring board his season last year (just faded near the end … may have had something to do with team dynamics though).

Tour Down Under: Stage 2 cycling results, blog, updates

Well Bardiani, SE Venezuela and Fantini are to be expected due to their Italian backing. Had to check up on SE Venezuela, thought from the name they would have been similar to the Columbian development team … but no only a few Venezuelans in the team.

RusVelo finished 6th in the European continental ranks last season … not sure why the higher finishing Belgium sides didn’t get a crack though (are they more classic riding teams)?

Tour Down Under: Stage 2 cycling results, blog, updates

Sky have a pretty strong team … probably not the terrain for them to really make much of an impact though in the Tour. Do you think Thomas will have a crack anytime this tour, or just part of the preparation for later in the season for the team?

Tour Down Under: Stage 2 cycling results, blog, updates

Hansen getting some early season workouts into his legs so that he is ready for the grand tours later this year??

Tour Down Under: Stage 2 cycling results, blog, updates

Be interesting to see how Jordan approach this game in Australia. I can’t see them being able to sit back so deep without their home crowd behind them … well at least not holding out the Aussies for a full ninety in front of a home crowd.

Should be a good contest, and hopefully one we come away with three points from.

Stage set for crucial Socceroos World Cup qualifier

Not fit for the BBL semi-final.

The Liebke Ratings: Australia vs India third ODI

What have viewers made of Boland? His stats aren’t that pretty for his first three games. Give him more time or back to State cricket to brush up a little more?

The Liebke Ratings: Australia vs India third ODI

Could there be some way of setting up a league? The problem may be that it could take over a year for it to be completed (which will lose our interest).

Perth centuries show value of the 50-over format

I don’t rate Sotirio … he reminds me of one of those players that tries hard but just doesn’t have the finished product (not sure if he’ll ever really get it either).

Considering you commented we didn’t create much in the final third bit surprised you opted for two defensive mids in O’Neill and Brillante over Amini who would provide a lot more creative spark (and has played more than Brillante this season).

Hopefully they learn from these mistakes. Maclaren is a lot better player when the spaces are opened up for him too … so maybe part of the problem was that they weren’t able to pull the UAE defense out of position (forward) enough?

Toothless Olyroos struggle and fall to UAE

Apparently education about WADA and the athletes responsibilities are drummed into potential AFL prospects at the initial draft camp, and then continues. Most athletes outside of the AFL have pretty much said the athletes would have known the rules, and that they should know it is an individual’s responsibility.

The AFL must not abandon the WADA Code

Pretty sure the players admitted to being injected with an “unknown” substance.

Essendon let them down, but players only have themselves to blame

Because the AFL are trying to show that they confirm to international anti-doping rules, which are designed to illustrate fair competition. But if you think the AFL shouldn’t conform to internationally recognised conditions that determine fair play …

Also the AFL had a conflict of interest in the case, as a ‘guilty’ verdict reflects negatively on the code and the case going public in the first place also has a negative impact. So if the AFL didn’t have to report to anyone they could simply hush up these situations to ensure no bad publicity.

Essendon let them down, but players only have themselves to blame

The players admitted to being injected with an unknown substance … under WADA Code an individual athlete is responsible for what goes in their body, so by not knowing what it is falls under an admission of “guilt”.

Remember this is not a criminal trial.

Essendon let them down, but players only have themselves to blame
