The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined January 2020









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Yeboah is 26. He is neither young nor full of promise. He is simply a player who is not good enough for this level. The fact that he and Kamau are starting players is an indictment of Babel’s recruitment.

The Wanderers need a reset - and so does the rest of the A-League

I think there are many of us who are wondering exactly where the bottom is for the A League.

Turning around the competition’s slide will be very, very difficult. I dropped into several games this weekend and the football was pretty dire stuff. There’s no hope of turning things around unless the League delivers more entertaining, higher quality football.

The Wanderers need a reset - and so does the rest of the A-League

I really thought he would be given the season.
The League needs a strong Victory. Let’s hope the Spaniard assistant steps up.
It has to be said that Kurtz, from my pov, has never looked happy at Victory. I wonder what level of support he received from the board?

Dismal start to the season proves costly for Kurz as Victory show head coach the door

TBH, not only do I not believe that the stadium will ever be built, but I very much doubt WU will exist in 3 years time.

Would a winter season even work in the A-League?

This is of course what I understand was originally envisaged when the NSL went to summer – that all games would be played under lights.

Once again – surprise, surprise – Fox Sports is the problem.

But I completely agree. If all games were played under lights, at night, then we don’t have a problem. Smoke, yes, but surely this year was exceptional in that regard.

I fully appreciate that this means more than one game would be played at the same time, but all games can be accessible via a remote option.

Would a winter season even work in the A-League?

All the evidence suggest four key points:

– Summers are getting hotter and therefore more problematic for players and spectators
– the standard of football is being adversely affected
– the media clear air argument is no longer valid
– declining attendances and tv view numbers indicate declining interest; it is reasonable to make the assumption that this is linked to points 1 and 2

The only reason, it seems to me, for playing in summer now is ground availability.

Would a winter season even work in the A-League?
