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Joined March 2019









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Should still absolutely work on it, but he Can still kick from those positions. As he is maturing as a player he is just starting to look more like a second 5/ out centre to me.

Tupou to Tahs, LSL to Reds, Gordon eyes NRL switch: Where Rebels stars will find new homes in Super Rugby

I’d look at him as an outside centre, potentially second five.

Tupou to Tahs, LSL to Reds, Gordon eyes NRL switch: Where Rebels stars will find new homes in Super Rugby

Apparently my long lost relative?

'Shrinking the sport': Rejected Rebels will sue as RA bosses say secrecy left them no choice but to pull trigger

Yep I’m certainly not of the opinion that they were flogged. Just a solid class below the Chiefs, and the other top 5/6 sides.
Never really troubled a side that played 20 min down a man. There are reason for it, some not in their control, others very much.

Tahs' season hanging by a thread after Chiefs go whack to post bonus point win

This is without a doubt an excellent shot. Absolutely nothing illegal about it. I only wish any number of our 6/8’s could do similar.
Make no mistake however, earlier examples quoted, ie, Lynagh. That was late and dangerous as his back was turned, this should have been a yellow, it should have been sanctioned. But events must be looked at in isolation.

'Purely coincidental': Chiefs coach defends bruiser after ANOTHER late shot leaves Tah flattened - but was it legal?


Five things: What Beale has over other golden oldies, double pain for Brumbies as Blues expose Australia's biggest weakness

Just hate the desperation around rushing to find the new messiah… same could be said for anyone of a number of young players who have entered the scene this year.

Five things: What Beale has over other golden oldies, double pain for Brumbies as Blues expose Australia's biggest weakness

Just another week and another Wallaby prospect from a team who managed to beat the last placed team, at home.
Brumbies are out Force and Reds are in…. Until next week!
Don’t get me wrong, very happy to see Rodda back playing, but let him get through a few games first. Beal like wise, maybe a similar performance against a top four side, or two? Perhaps see how the Reds handle the Blues without a host of starters.
As a Oz rugby fan it feels like we constantly rejoice the return of summer with the appearance of even a hint of a swallow… Only to be destitute landing up to our knees in snow as we leap out the front door!

Five things: What Beale has over other golden oldies, double pain for Brumbies as Blues expose Australia's biggest weakness

Nice one Geoff, have to disagree with you on the premise that the Brum’s may have had “ample territory and possession”.
These stats may have evened out by full time, but the Blues victory was bookended by an utter dominance of both these figures. From memory the majority of the match was around 70-30 across both to the Blues?
I certainly agree that on the rare occasions the Brumbies had possession and territory they were belted at the contact and breakdown, leading to poor decisions and execution under pressure.

The Wrap: Why SANZAAR must hold Frank Lomani accountable for 'going back for his hat'

The result isn’t surprising, the score line more so. Expected a lot more from the Brumbies.

Brumbies 'systematically taken apart by the Blues' in 'non-contest' as Larkham's men cop huge reality check

Absolutely mate, that really hurt them.

'Brain explosion': Wallaby stars sent off as Queensland left red-faced in Moana Pasifika shocker

I guess. I am also lost as to why Creighton is considered a fly half. He just doesn’t have the skill set that’s required. He looks to me like an out centre, good ball runner more than distributor.

'Brain explosion': Wallaby stars sent off as Queensland left red-faced in Moana Pasifika shocker

Well I haven’t seen or heard of his performances since he left. But if he returns in similar form he left with then it will be outstanding.
If not I hazard it will still be a benefit to both the Force and OZ rugby. More old quality players through our teams the better.

Huge coup sees Wallabies hooker coming home to Super Rugby on long-term deal, with World Cup in sights

Yea, look. It would be good to have JOC back from a maturity perspective. but he doesn’t have the best long kicking game, and I do feel the kicking is one of the Reds major achilles heal.
Both our young fly halves are two/ three seasons early. But this is what you have with OZ rugby atm.
Disappointed with some of the guys that have been there for 2/3 seasons. We need greater game awareness from them.

'Brain explosion': Wallaby stars sent off as Queensland left red-faced in Moana Pasifika shocker

Watched the game late. Thoughts are, red cards were indicative of the Reds the last 3 games. Distinct lack of maturity across the board. Not the end of the world for them, but this year they will not bother the top sides. But I’m seeing plenty to be positive about for the Reds.
Thought Paisami played one of his better games this season. Really feel that the Reds need to settle on a 10.
That’s tough with the age of their 10’s atm. But they will need to find a far more mature approach in the halfs than McDermott is currently showing as a senior player.

'Brain explosion': Wallaby stars sent off as Queensland left red-faced in Moana Pasifika shocker

Mate 8 teams in a 12 team comp make the finals I believe? If that is the case, any team or their coach not making the finals would be in trouble.
However as first year coach he would be allowed a little leniency. I do believe they still have one of the younger squads as a side note.

'Brutal and violent': The two aspects Reds workhorse wants to fix to take next step towards Wallabies

I’d take the “Red’s mess” over a few of the other Oz sides atm!

'He'd been flogged to death': Rebels GM's scathing Tupou claim as Wallaby battles to reignite his fire


The Wrap: The two massive power shifts shaping Australian and New Zealand rugby

To be fair TWAS the weather forecast that day & particularly evening was for damaging storms and up to 100mm of rain. Main reason for my young lad and I not attending.

Super Round is a celebration of rugby - that's why it should have never been held in Melbourne

The selectors have hoisted their flag and need to see this line up out. Both Green and Smith need to play in NZ, after that we can get an understanding of whether there is some form of viability.
Green is a young player and whilst I would like to see him much lower down, if they feel the need to have him in this side then three tests is the absolute minimum period.
At the end of the day if the selectors see him as such an important cog then I would look to move Marsh on sooner. Tough on him, considering how enjoyable & instrumental he has been the last 12 months. But it would be closer to a like for like..
TBH I’m much more concerned about Smith at the top, than Green.
The problem will be if both fail in NZ then the selectors will really have something to think about.

Travis should Head up the order until Green proves he’s four-midable enough to earn important spot

Truth has no place on social media…

Travis should Head up the order until Green proves he’s four-midable enough to earn important spot


Exclusive: Wallabies to turn to Kiwi Schmidt as Eddie Jones' replacement

Very mixed feelings here. Quality opener over the years for Australia in all forms.
Yet the same individual was a construct of all that was ugly about the national side across a decade, (By no means the only one either, for the record) leading up to the SA disgrace.
Both he and Smith I hold accountable for allowing a junior member of the side to be the one getting his hands dirty as such, and for that I will not forgive either of them. That is not leadership nor behaviour to be celebrated.
He moves on and I look forward to a new chapter.

A farewell to remember: Warner wows SCG one last time as Aussies polish off Pakistan ... but cap mystery lingers

I wouldn’t be disappointed with Robbie. However Joe’s time with Ireland and particularly how he worked with DN in restructuring and building not only an internationally competitive team but structure, tips my preference his way.
It has been a long time since Robbie has dipped the toe into international rugby. I believe at this point Oz needs a truly established, experienced & successfully high performance coach and manager.

RA to begin hunt for Wallabies coach imminently after securing key man, Schmidt keen as Nucifora talks continue

Excellent, if you can just cover the ARU legal bill whilst we endeavour to prove said handshake deal was legally binding, it would be appreciated.. Bit tight on funds atm. Better still, if you could run the international case for us and will sort it out when you win. I’m sure we can shake on it.

Rugby News: RA hunting missing million after contract blunder, Suaalii worth 10x more than his deal, McKellar's big win
