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Adam (Though An Imposter)

Roar Rookie

Joined May 2022









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How is no one talking about the potential head contact by England? They clearly didn’t want to lose any players to suspension.

'Not good enough': England in disarray as Fiji pull off historic win to emerge as World Cup's darkest horse

I’m not necessarily endorsing the decision. I can see the reasoning though.

Exclusive: Quade, Hooper to miss World Cup selection as Jorgensen rockets into squad

Vunivalu confirmed. It either has to be in his contract or there’s a specific move/play that Eddie (thinks he) needs him for.

Shock and raw: New skipper, rookies galore and Test careers brutally ended as Eddie's RWC bombshells CONFIRMED

It just looks like Eddie’s building for the future and basically sacrificed this RWC. He’ll definitely attempt to win every match, but he’ll do so fielding the younger guys.

Exclusive: Quade, Hooper to miss World Cup selection as Jorgensen rockets into squad

I would argue that he never had the ability to judge when to kick (and when not to). I refer you to the 2014 Bledisloe at Suncorp. With the Wallabies 4 points in front and something like 90 seconds to go, he box kicks into touch on the full from inside his own half (but outside the 22, if I remember). Regardless, the All Black got the ball back and won it at the death which ended Ewen McKenzie’s coaching career as much as the affair did. He said he would resign if they lost the match and he did.

Why Nic White can’t be on the plane to France

Kellaway can also cover both positions, but I suspect will already be on the field in some capacity. That’s why I think Hodge has to be in it. He’s had some stuff-ups in the past, but seems to have mostly solved those kicking/ball-dropping issues.

Wallabies Power Rankings: Foley fires, Carter slays as QC returns, 9s battle rages - how every RWC hopeful is tracking

Unfortunately not.

Wallabies Power Rankings: Foley fires, Carter slays as QC returns, 9s battle rages - how every RWC hopeful is tracking

I also just realised he could make a decent 12. He’s big, defends well and can distribute. Lack experience there though.

Wallabies Power Rankings: Foley fires, Carter slays as QC returns, 9s battle rages - how every RWC hopeful is tracking

Not sure how Foley and Vunivalu got their positions, but agree with basically everything else.

One glaringly obvious thing to me is that we don’t have much depth at 13 and 15. It’s Ikitau and Wright by country miles. This is why Hodge has to be around. With him on the bench, both positions can be covered and I think he’s 2nd best in both categories at the moment. Willing to accept Kellaway too, but one would think he’d start as a first-choice winger, so would already be on the team.

Wallabies Power Rankings: Foley fires, Carter slays as QC returns, 9s battle rages - how every RWC hopeful is tracking

Haha! Sorry, copy/paste fail. Tweet was meant to read:

“Carter Gordon isn’t going to play for Australia this year, let’s just clear that first.

But he might be the most improved player in Australia right now. Massive step up on last year, and has been great again tonight…”

Wasn’t paying attention when I wrote that.

Carter Gordon has the gift of time - but how long until he gets to test himself in a Wallabies jersey?

Yeah, I think you’re right. I would like him around somewhere though, as I think he has good skills and a cool head.

Carter Gordon has the gift of time - but how long until he gets to test himself in a Wallabies jersey?

1. Sorry, I was referring to your inline tweet which you stated you still stand by, but while acknowledging that Gordon has improved in the pecking order:

“They’re doing a lot of things right for their side currently and Lolesio was very good again in the Brumbies’ win over the Highlanders on Sunday, but he and Donaldson are very different players to Carter Gordon.”

2. The second comment was referring to this sentence:

“They’re doing a lot of things right for their side currently and Lolesio was very good again in the Brumbies’ win over the Highlanders on Sunday, but he and Donaldson are very different players to Carter Gordon.”

Which I think is technically true since you didn’t say that they were more similar to each other, only that they were different to Gordon.

Carter Gordon has the gift of time - but how long until he gets to test himself in a Wallabies jersey?

I would actually generally agree with your overall sentiment, but disagree with a couple of minor points:

1. I think it’s almost certain Gordon will get a run this year. I think he makes the squad and the bench for at least a couple of matches. In the RWC pool stages, he might even start against Portugal or Georgia.

2. I would also argue that Donaldson and Gordon are more similar to each other than they are to Lolesio. X-factor aside, they both at least attempt to control a match and distribute the ball. Gordon clearly has the vision and creativity (and the skill and confidence to execute it) that most other players lack. Lolesio has real problems being the on-field general. He’ll spot an opportunity and seize it quite well. He’ll also run excellent support lines. But he just doesn’t seem to know how to MAKE something happen. He doesn’t seem to know how to even attempt it. I’d be interested in seeing how he would perform at 12 or 15 (in super rugby). He may be a bit small for 12, but any player can change the meta.

Carter Gordon has the gift of time - but how long until he gets to test himself in a Wallabies jersey?

Unfortunately, your column has contradicted itself. He cannot be the saviour of the Boks because you’ve conclusively proven that he’s not the Messiah.

'Still plays like a naughty boy': The 'conductor' who holds the key for the Boks going back-to-back at RWC

9 is a bit different. White established himself as no. 1 pretty quickly and the chopping/changing was for his backup. There were a couple of games (e.g. in Sydney vs All Blacks) where White was benched but he was pissing a lot of people off around that time. More than usual.

'Don't test out at national level': Burke slams 'mind f---' treatment of Lolesio, names his preferred 15 for RWC

If RA are waiting for a compliment from Eddie then they have worse self-esteem issues than I’d feared.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

This also doesn’t make sense. RA had money. They had the eyeballs and the attendances. They don’t anymore. The lack of money is a symptom, not the disease.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

That doesn’t make a lot of sense. You stated that RA needs money above all things. You then follow that up by agreeing with me that, absent some serious changes, they’ll just waste any money they get. Clearly money isn’t the main problem here.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

DR’s still a chance for an extension. Depends on how next season/RWC go. I agree that a shake-up is required in the coaching staff. Either Rennie or the assistants (or both) have to go after 2023.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

I actually think the talent is quite high. Rob Kearney’s comments confirmed this for me after watching player after player go overseas and succeed. It’s the coaching. Not just at test level, but all the way through.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

Also, not sure if he’s a centre.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

Yes, the “after” thing is telling. He clearly has a lot of knowledge and experience, but people hate him. Only after they have parted company do they see he was good because his personality was front and centre all the time prior to that. This is a big problem – especially in the long run. He’ll take a team and mould them into something decent for a while and then grind them into meal. This happened at the Reds even after one season. Maybe if he took a step back and became more of a director. Maybe. Haven’t seen it yet.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

Strongly agree that these are not new ideas. RA (and the ARU prior to that) have been making the same mistakes for decades.

Here is where we part company though. RA (ARU, at the time) had piles of cash after the 2003 RWC. Well over $100m in the bank. Did you also know that the two highest attendance games in Rugby history both happened in Australia (1999 and 2000, both vs NZ)? They p!ssed it up the wall. That was the time to launch a third tier. That was the time to get some matches on FTA (streaming wasn’t a thing yet). That was the time to launch an extra team or two. When they eventually did get around to launching the ARC in 2007 (at least 4 years too late), they didn’t promote it at all and played their matches at premium stadiums. You had games at the SFS with a couple of thousand people in the crowd. Unsurprisingly, it made a huge loss. The NRC was much better, but even later (2014!) and also no promotion or FTA.

Do you understand that these are basic concepts of running a sport? What would have adding more money done? They could have run the NRC for 2 years instead of 1? 3 maybe? They’re going to get their cash injection. The two RWC hosting rights will see to that. Money will show up from all over the place since the RWC is a fairly big deal these days (obviously nothing compared to soccer), but what will they do with it?

Also, what will cutting the Rebels and Force do? Concede any ground they’ve made so far? For the game to survive here, it needs to spread to somewhere other than SYN/CAN/BNE. Have a look at the support the Force and Rebels (especially the Rebels) got initially from the public. Launching extra teams was one of the best things RA has ever done, but they half-@rsed it. It’s still not too late to fix up, but all the money in the world isn’t going to do anything with these cretins in charge. You want to know what it would look like? England. Largest player pool, most money (until recently), heaps of eyeballs and fairly high match attendance. What’s that gotten them? 1 world cup and 3 finals – slightly worse than Australia’s record. Money is required, but it isn’t going to solve the problem.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

What RA needs is proper leadership and ideas from the top – at CEO and boardroom level – and only that if they bring a strong focus to the grass roots. Local club comps (including Melbourne and Perth), restarting a third tier, the whole women’s game, etc. RA actually don’t need that much rugby expertise at the top level – it will come automatically as the base fills up – and we definitely don’t need Eddie Jones anywhere near the place. Nor any other miracle coach/player.

OPINION: The worst decision RA could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones as coach

Sorry yeah. My bad. The point stands though – not much of a difference to be made.

WALLABIES TEAM: Rennie springs No. 10 surprise, Rebels prop set to debut, Wright returns to fullback
