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Joined July 2016







alles fur die katze



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Wow hadn’t heard that about dmac. That makes it very interesting for the rwc. Who is nzs 3rd choice 1st5? I’d say there is a group who are more or less equal.. black, banks, M Mackenzie, Ioane, and parker who probably isn’t available for selection at this stage… can’t say any fill me with confidence, would maybe go with banks based on experience/cool head and kicking. Nonu looks to still be class. Don’t think ALB was comprehensively out played by any means, a part from the bump off. Would pick nonu ahead of sbw but really hard to nail down who to fit in. ALB and goodhue seem the only certainties at this stage.

Super Rugby team of the week: Round 9

Actually I think he’s made some very good well thought out points KP.

Folau speaks for the first time since sacking announcement

40% IS a minority group… with weird ideas

By sacking Israel Folau, Rugby Australia showed what true leadership looks like

Just because lots of people think something doesn’t make it right.

By sacking Israel Folau, Rugby Australia showed what true leadership looks like

I’m gonna go with bible wrong on that one… now where did I put that compass

By sacking Israel Folau, Rugby Australia showed what true leadership looks like

TWAS has answered your question very well here. I will add that your correct, science isn’t always right about everything. It does however change as soon as something is proven to be wrong. It is neither inherently good or bad, it simply presents facts to our best current understanding.

Israel Folau does not deserve the sack

Pococks fanatical views however are based on either the ideas of the overwhelming majority of scientists (those thinky people), and at a guess perhaps personal experience of meeting and knowing gay folks which has lead him to think that perhaps they ain’t so bad after all. On the other hand we have cherry picked snippets from an ancient book which while having some interesting ideas also suggests you do some things which will these days land you in jail.

Israel Folau does not deserve the sack

In other news today scientists have released the first image of a black hole!! Isnt it amazing how far we’ve come as a species…. oh wait..

Folau slammed over anti-gay comments

Pretty hard to argue with a catchy slogan like that…. seems like god’s let things get a little out of hand down here on earth

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Facebook/Twitter PC echo chamber? Isn’t that where izzy posted this?…

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

I’ve heard of god but who’s this prince of peace fella?

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

So that means that because nz is a neighbouring country aus can enslave them? Suddenly their chances in the RWC are looking up

Folau slammed over anti-gay comments

for the record i really rate and enjoy nic’s articles and think possibly he was just trying to make reds fans feel better…

All Blacks and Lions play out an epic, creating a drawn series for the ages

that the same nic bishop who said that the reds looked strong this year??

All Blacks and Lions play out an epic, creating a drawn series for the ages

agree there CP the lions back play has been really good, especially when you think of what people were saying prior to the series. they weren’t able to finish off a lot of chances they created but showed they have it in them.

Let's face it, Beauden blew it for the All Blacks

I think the fact that he got 100% in the first test meant that they decided to persist with him even after a few easy misses, and this made sense in the 2nd test as there was no other better option on the field. The 3rd test however there was, and I’m surprised that jordie didn’t get a chance after that first up miss which while not quite a gimme was certainly one you’d expect a test kicker to get. if you watch right on half time jordie gets tackled out of play around the 10m line, as everyone jogs off to the sheds he slots a drop kick – pretty sure it was on the 40m line either 5 or 15 in from touch, it was on the run and from what i could see he gets it. doesn’t mean he would have got more off the tee but he’s been fairly good for the canes so far this year. Maybe one of the reasons is that they didn’t want to put more pressure on him in his first test start and just let him concentrate on the rest of his game. anyway is what it is and no point wondering what if…. oh and if you look at the lions farrell had a few wayward kicks early on – i think in the first test and the coaches kept faith in him and how many did he miss after that?..
Nah on second thoughts can him he cost us the match and should never wear black again!!!! i always said he was crap even when he got player of the year that time. as for ben smith, he should go too, did nothing in this game.

Let's face it, Beauden blew it for the All Blacks

agree that there has been a huge amount of nh vs sh rubbish which is a huge generalisation as each nation has its own style of play and which hemisphere they are in is not really a factor in this. gardner is however one of the better refs going round atm and i would have been pleased to see him get one of the tests, so i see nothing wrong with that statement. the dour grinding play part I’m not so sure… i admit to not being a fan of french refs as a rule, but i think – and would suggest that most people from the southern hemisphere would agree – that nigel owens is the best ref in the world…. so a bias perhaps, but not against the whole hemisphere. to add to the north v south stuff going on there has been a lot but i think its worth remembering that most of the time its a few people (jacko – it was 14 vs 16 comments over and over to be specific (if that wasn’t you then my apologies but at least someone with a similar name), and conner33 – the all blacks play boring rugby which is much like league and the lions are the only team playing running rugby – looking at you) repeating the same thing over and over and over and…. so after a while it seems as though thats all there is, but take a step back and i think you’ll find that over the broad spectrum there is a lot of respect from both sides out there.

The French refereeing conundrum destroying the Lions tour

excellent point adsa

The French refereeing conundrum destroying the Lions tour

agree that there has been a huge amount of nh vs sh rubbish which is a huge generalisation as each nation has its own style of play and which hemisphere they are in is not really a factor in this. gardner is however one of the better refs going round atm and i would have been pleased to see him get one of the tests, so i see nothing wrong with that statement. the dour grinding play part I’m not so sure… i admit to not being a fan of french refs as a rule, but i think – and would suggest that most people from the southern hemisphere would agree – that nigel owens is the best ref in the world…. so a bias perhaps, but not against the whole hemisphere. to add to the north v south stuff going on there has been a lot but i think its worth remembering that most of the time its a few people (jacko and conner33 looking at you) repeating the same thing over and over and over and…. so after a while it seems as though thats all there is, but take a step back and i think you’ll find that over the broad spectrum there is a lot of respect from both sides out there.

The French refereeing conundrum destroying the Lions tour

i guess the problem that i have with the tackle in the air penalty that sort of decided the match – good chance another penalty would have been seen if play continued – is that as many people say in every ruck there are potential penalties but they don’t get called as it would kill the game and the ref has to use common sense to allow the game to flow. so with this in mind and the many infringements which go unpunished for the sake of the game why was this one deemed to be worthy? the jumping player was tackled behind the gain line – often happens when you catch a bad pass – but he was not in any more danger than a standard tackle. technically it was correct but i really don’t think when looked at in the bigger picture of the game that it was what the game deserved as a deciding moment. as with the other examples you mentioned in the article it did not decide the winning of the game as a whole but its an unfortunate way to finish a game and its inevitable that people will focus in on these calls. on the plus side it gives us something to discuss and complain about and thats half the fun isn’t it?

Joubert gets it. Garces gets it. Why don't we?

hes not crap. i do vaguely remember him getting a bit frustrated in that game which you shouldn’t do as a ref but as i said below over all i think he has been very good over all and shows a good feel for the game. even the best players have the odd off game refs are no different. angus is still a bit new to the highest level of rugby (has he riffed a test?) but I’ve seen enough to think he is a very good ref.

The French refereeing conundrum destroying the Lions tour

i agree that gardner would have been a good choice as a ref. i think i noticed him last super season, what struck me was his clear comunication during the game as play was happening and also if an infringment occurred. in a game with such a wide spectrum of interpretations the very least you should expect as a player is to be told what the ref is seeing so that you can adapt your play. angus seems to be good at this without allowing too much discussion, he is clear and concise. admittedly i have seen a game or 2 where he wasn’t his best but over all he has been, in my opinion, the best ref of the last few years.
as for the 2 tests so far i haven’t seen a particular bias one way or the other from the refs, but haven’t thought that they have been very good, particularly the 2nd test which was very stop start but i guess the weather played a part in this (but a few bizarre calls). i am prepared to be surprised by poite but after having watched him most recently ref the hurricanes (my team so i admit possibly blinkers on) v lions and how the tmo had to guide him to the correct decision for the henderson tackle, i worry…. for the record i don’t think the henderson tackle was awful, just unfortunate and the correct call was made…. in the end.

The French refereeing conundrum destroying the Lions tour

Great game for oz so far. Lots of missed opportunities butva few converted as well. Playing very adventurous rugby

Wales vs Wallabies highlights: Australia crush Wales 32-8

What a finish to the half. Hurricanes featuring heavily

Argentina vs All Blacks highlights: All Blacks grind out victory

Evening digger. Enjoy the game. Hurricanes halves combo on, its a winning formula.

Argentina vs All Blacks highlights: All Blacks grind out victory
