The Roar
The Roar

Michael Daly

Roar Rookie

Joined March 2009









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You are joking. What a rubbish free that was. Quite a few other puzzling decisions on the day as well.

Is this the softest free kick of 2019?

Typical meathead who wants to be involved in everything!

Folau to fight Rugby Australia on sacking after meeting RUPA boss

Why should he. If you don’t like what he said; ignore it. It really is that simple.

Folau to fight Rugby Australia on sacking after meeting RUPA boss

Whilst I do not agree with Folau’s comments, I fully support his right to express them.
The fact is that this is Australia; unless something has changed recently, I believe we have free speech in this country. There seems to be a startling difference in reaction from what he has said and to an Imam or any other religious zealot, who have very similar ideas and doesn’t mind stating them. Why aren’t the up themselves Lefties / PC Police ever vocal when similar thoughts are expressed by a muslim cleric in this or any other country. This is where the vocal outpour of condemnation is definitely skewed.
It is wrong to cancel his contract because he has an opposing opinion to some others.
It’s ANZAC day soon. Free speech is one thing that our forefathers fought for.
Sick of hypocrites in this country.

Folau to fight Rugby Australia on sacking after meeting RUPA boss
