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Steve Kerr

Roar Rookie

Joined December 2013









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Yes, I’m sick of the whole affair as well, but the elephant in the room has to be dealt with.

The official line is that the texts were both serious, the second one being *extremely* serious. The first one was sent by Beale and he had to be punished. The second one was not sent by Beale, so whoever sent it needs to be identified and punished more severely than Beale.

We’ve all got our own opinions on the matter, but they don’t really matter at this point. The powers that be have painted themselves into this corner- without identifying and sanctioning the ‘second texter’, there can be no official resolution or closure to this.

Are the ARU really just going to ignore the infamous second text?

Thanks Micka, that is exactly what my comment says. I have no idea what Bondy is reacting to.

SALLY PEARSON: What’s it going to take to get women’s sport on the map?

No coincidence.
It’s just further evidence of what some other posters have been saying: if you attract big audiences, you can get big money.

It’s important to note that the money doesn’t come first: the sport has to start at the bottom and build up a following. Look at the development of Soccer and the soccer ‘industry’ in England. The audiences came first, then they grew, then the money came, then the money snowballed.

SALLY PEARSON: What’s it going to take to get women’s sport on the map?

The thing is though, women often prefer to watch mens’ sport too (look at the AFL).
If you like sport, you want to see the best, not a watered-down competition for people who couldn’t compete at the top level.

If the Olympics were to introduce a 90m sprint, for white and asian athletes only, would you really expect people to treat it with the same seriousness as the actual Mens’ 100m?

SALLY PEARSON: What’s it going to take to get women’s sport on the map?

Maybe this isn’t the sad end though, maybe this can be the birth of a new era in world rugby, with Australia as the testing ground: hear me out—

Anyone who takes the Wallabies coaching job will be hounded out by ‘player-power’ compounded by the media within a year: a coach has to order players what to do- the Wallaby superstars don’t ‘take orders’ from anyone- it’ll never work.

So, you could look at the culture and stop letting players call all the shots and ride roughshod over authority, but that will never happen.


I propose a revolutionary new ‘co-operative’ system. No coach, just a cabal made up of superstar players and their chosen advisers/ mates/ hangers-on. Imagine how little friction there would be if Beale, Cooper and the other stars were free to look after their own best interests, maybe with Khoder Nasser on hand as an advisor. All the problems of the past years would never have happened. What could possibly go wrong?

Ewen McKenzie resigns: Who can coach the Wallabies?

Could we put Joe Thomas from the Browns on this list?
He’s not exactly one of the big names, but for work-rate and effectiveness I’d say he’s pretty near the top tier.

The top 10 players in the NFL right now

Sherman has really dropped off- he’s the odd man out on this list, because right now, he’s not up to par.

The top 10 players in the NFL right now

James Hird

Ewen McKenzie resigns: Who can coach the Wallabies?

I’ve got a foot in both camps here. On the one hand, I doubt anyone in the US is going to care about League much whatever happens.
BUT this article isn’t entirely wrong in the sense that this is the best chance for League to get exposure in the States, and it’s worth a go. I can imagine, if Hayne goes OK in the NFL, that NFL films would do an ‘NFL Extra’ on him- his story would be a great fit, and that 30 minute feature alone would get more new eyes on the NRL than anything that’s happened before.

The Hayne Plane can make rugby league soar in the States

It’s true that it probably wasn’t *meant* as malicious sexual harassment, but that counts for very little.
If someone sent a text of a can of petrol with ‘fancy a drink, Kurtley’ it wouldn’t necessarily be the same thing as the violent, sustained racial abuse some communities suffer, and it could even have been done as an ill-advised ‘shock-value’ joke by a friend. There’d still be hell to pay though, and rightly so.

The Beale saga: Focus about to switch firmly onto McKenzie


Brendan McCartney: Another AFL coach falls to player power

Totally. A white man would be given second chances, but poor Kurtley Beale is being hanged, drawn and quartered for his very first alleged misdemeanor…………………..

Kurtley Beale stood down: investigated for inappropriate text messages

What if you’re a mosquito trying to lose weight?

[VIDEO] 2014 NRL Grand Final highlights: South Sydney Rabbitohs vs Canterbury Bulldogs scores, blog

Nothing worse than getting hit in the ‘Brian’, I’ll give you that.

[VIDEO] 2014 NRL Grand Final highlights: South Sydney Rabbitohs vs Canterbury Bulldogs scores, blog

Tell you what Alex, you give us the breakdown of fouls and dodgy calls, and we’ll see if you have a case.

[VIDEO] 2014 NRL Grand Final highlights: South Sydney Rabbitohs vs Canterbury Bulldogs scores, blog

Yes, I really wish I was watching Swans vs Hawthorn again: no horrible bumps, or indeed action of any sort, to upset my delicate nerves.

[VIDEO] 2014 NRL Grand Final highlights: South Sydney Rabbitohs vs Canterbury Bulldogs scores, blog

This is James Graham we’re talking about………….

[VIDEO] 2014 NRL Grand Final highlights: South Sydney Rabbitohs vs Canterbury Bulldogs scores, blog

Is everybody who doesn’t support Hird a ‘hater’ though?

You see, I’m not saying the majority view is always correct, but have you ever noticed how voices against Hird come from all walks of life and all sporting loyalties, but Hird supporters are entirely limited to one tiny demographic of people who were die-hard Hird fans before this all kicked off?

Logically, if the case against Hird was particularly flawed, you’d think neutral opinion would at least be divided on the matter, but it isn’t: everyone who follows AFL at any level, apart from a select clique of Bombers faithful, has doubts about Hird’s conduct.

They can’t *all* be haters, can they?

James Hird is still Essendon coach, for now

Well said Mr. Prentice: your points are solid enough on paper, so stick by them.
Even if the Bunnies do manage to stuff this one up, your predictions can’t possibly be any further off than those of your fellow journos about the AFL GF!

PRENTICE: Souths will douse their title drought with champagne

He’s actually quite specific on that matter though:

“The home of the oldest golf tournament in the world, that first teed off in 1897, will no longer be a member of the British Isles”

Presumably Mr. Lord knows of a plan to detach Scotland and tow it off to somewhere North of the Faeroe Isles in the event of a ‘Yes’ vote.

What will happen to the British Open if Scotland gain independence?

Not as cruel and unusual as having Meatloaf sing before a game though.

Have the AFL and Brisbane Lions lost it? Why a live lion at the Gabba is the worst idea ever

You may not hear from him, but you will never, never, stop thinking about him.
Seriously, mate,your posts are pretty good, I’m not saying they’re not, but you’re on EVERY footy thread stalking Gene.
It’s a bit crazy 🙂

'Roos beat Cats by six points in AFL finals thriller

Some people like to barrack for a team. Some people focus on watching a hated rival team do badly.
Bosk is the only guy I’ve ever seen though, who seems to follow a sport solely for the purpose of trolling one other guy on a message board.
I mean seriously Bosk, did a gypsy love potion go wrong and make you obsessed with Gene? I’m not even saying your posts are bad- they’re often pretty funny, but honestly, I think you’d get more out of the game if you picked a team and supported them instead of just worrying about how Gene feels about the Cats’ fortunes.

2014 AFL finals series: Week 2 preview

There’s so much wrong with the overall ‘pay parity’ angle in this article that the silliness of the attractiveness argument gets overlooked, but Peeeko is correct to bring it up. David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo have never won the World Cup: Mauro Camoranesi has.Who is more famous, and why?

Prize-money parity is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sexism in sport

“Regardless of your gender, if you are the best you will receive the same prize money.”

Well said.

Do away with the gender divisions and let male and female players compete against each other. Then there can be no argument.

Prize-money parity is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sexism in sport
