The Roar
The Roar


Roar Guru

Joined February 2008









Simon the 2000lb pink elephant is that if the restrictions are lifted there will be no quality players left in Aus, they will all play over seas and still get selected.

The trick is to get a balance, you have to do your time so to speak. Someone has mentioned 70 tests as a number before, once you reach that you can play OS and still get selected.

How the Brumbies are using George Smith

Red Menace are you a reds fan by any chance? If so your comment does not bide well for QC.

CL did not have a bad game… did you watch the match?

How the Brumbies are using George Smith

CB2 I had a big laugh when GS pulled that move on the lock, why stay up there in his territory, when you could just bring him down and play in your domain. No punches thrown, just a little roll over to show you who is boss. The Stormers were niggling GS all game long.

White has a plan with GS, it might be experimental now but one has to stand and take your hat of to GS, he was everywhere.

I often wonder why Jake White keeps CL at center when he such a promising 10 but then again, white is renowned for his ability to spot and develop talent, maybe he thinks CL is a better center and Toomua a better fly half? If that is the case its good news for Australia in the long run.

How the Brumbies are using George Smith

Sorry Handles, for some reason I thought he was 26.

You cant seriously be measuring QC to SL?

QC is one of the worst 10’s the Wallabies have ever fielded.

Sure he plays better with Ginia, so what are they a package deal? Ginia does not need QC to be a good player?

This love affair with xfactor, tweeting, boxing, media types is driving me up the wall.

The Wallabies need a solid and consistent 10 to lead the back line. Not a spicegirl, who refuses to take/make tackles. Makes everyone happy one game so they spend the next 4 games defending him.

Xfatcor and flash dash are for wingers, put him there.

Larkham is one of the most consistent and best 10 Australia has ever had. He has all the tools. QC should not be mentioned in the same sentence.

SPIRO: Horwill, Genia, Cooper: They're baaccckkk!! And Kurtley's out

Someone from the NSWRU should put a full gag order on all staff and players from the Tahs until they start playing well. No twitter, no facebook, no media what so bloody ever.

I am sick of hearing their opinion and then feeling sorry for them on the weekend.

Tahs insist Brumbies can be caught

My problem with McKensie is he = Cooper

That combination is not good for Aussie rugby.

Its feels like the system needs a clean out and a fresh start.

How easy is it going to be recruiting for the Brumbies this/next year? All the top players will want to move there.

I heard a rumour correct me if I am wrong but did JW start some sort of scholarship for Uni of Canb to bring over young SA talent?

Is Ewen McKenzie playing a shrewd game?

Sorry Red Kev, never realised Arthur coached WA, mostly saffa’s there any ways 😉

Is Ewen McKenzie playing a shrewd game?

White wont bring back Eddy, he will stick with Larkham as backs coach. Eddie might consult but White is well aware of the feelings towards Eddy.

Is Ewen McKenzie playing a shrewd game?

Not to mention McKenzie is busy losing the race at the reds, he should stop focusing on national jobs and start to work on the reds. Sure injuries, who hasn’t got them.

You have to be a fool to think things havnt worsen in the last 2 seasons while Ewen was in charge. Its doesn’t help if he coaches the wallabies to one good season.

Is Ewen McKenzie playing a shrewd game?

Very true KPM, White’s work at the brumbies shows that he has the abilty to work with Aussie cattle, something Arthur and Deans did not have. They simply walked into the top job without any experience working with Australians.

Jake passion and professionalism takes him levels above patriotism.

White is busy proving himself at super rugby on many levels, not just winning games.
White has international experience and the ability to deal with the politics that come with it.
White has a better CV than Ewen and Robby put together.

Robby has super titles and is a Kiwi
Ewen has a super title and is an Australian.

Australia needs a proven international coach, not another super experiment.

Is Ewen McKenzie playing a shrewd game?

Sorry there seems to be a 40 min delay on the app, sort of double post.

SPIRO: Brumbies great, Reds red-faced, Waratahs 'Sarelled'

If you get someone to dissect and go into real depth in listing White and Link side by side I think White will win hands down.

Jake White wants gold

Bazza I actually think the saffa cricket coach is still working for the Saffas… its not like the crickets going well. 🙂

Jake White wants gold

KPM we keep discussing White and seem to always come back to the same things. If not White, for the criteria you mention, then who?

No one could have done with the Brumbies what White has. Yes its all of the team and assistants but they could not function until white came along and enabled them.

All rugby does not only consist of chucking the ball round scoring 40-50 points a game. Its a pipe dream one that is not realistic with the modern game.

List you criteria for not selecting white and then show me someone who does apply to your needs.

Jake White wants gold

Larkhams work with the backline has been amazing, you see his signature with the way they are using 10-12-15 channels. Its like every team member knows where he needs to be at all times.

I just think every thing is working well together at Brumby land. Like one big family that trust in eaxh other.

Its good to see, its good for Aussie rugby.

SPIRO: Brumbies great, Reds red-faced, Waratahs 'Sarelled'

haha id believe it RK if they did well before JW arrived

SPIRO: Brumbies great, Reds red-faced, Waratahs 'Sarelled'

I can promise you one thing, White wont go with Cooper. He prefers professional sports men not loose cannons with twitter accounts and self image brands. I suppose it rules out JOC too 🙂

SPIRO: Brumbies great, Reds red-faced, Waratahs 'Sarelled'

Sorry Red Kev, I don’t think White needs McKenzie to make him look smarter, he is doing it on his own

SPIRO: Brumbies great, Reds red-faced, Waratahs 'Sarelled'

Having great assistants does not alone do the job. Its a hall mark of Whites coaching to utilise and get the best of every member of the crew. He earns the respect of each member (players and assistants) and with faith lets them do their job.

I have said this before but the brumbies are playing test rugby not super rugby. White has now proven that he can work with Australian cattle (unlike deans) and he has proven to be the best coach in Australia. It would be unwise to keep to this trend of employing good super coaches as the head man of the wallabies. The Wallabies need someone who has experience and success at international level.

White should be the next Wallaby coach, his ability to find and develop local talent and depth is top class, his management skills and planning is McQueen like.

Australia needs someone that can work with the limited pool of players Australia provides.

McKenzie and Cooper are not the answer to Australia’s national team.

SPIRO: Brumbies great, Reds red-faced, Waratahs 'Sarelled'

Would not surprise me if White has a completely different plan for next week. Going up against his former assistant coach.

Stormers wont get caught napping like the Sharks but ill still be tipping Brumbies.

Brumbies trounce Sharks 29-10 in Durban

West besides the Crusaders waking up this weekend, who do you suggest will strike fear into the hearts of the Brumbies?

Why don’t you let Brumbies fan enjoy a great victory? None of the Kiwi teams would have pulled that off in the shark tank.

Brumbies trounce Sharks 29-10 in Durban

Well done Brumbies, dry period over, have a beer.

Thanks Rob, back too bed now!

Sharks vs Brumbies: Super Rugby live scores, blog

HAHAHA morning Biltongbek…

Lets hope fora good game

Sharks vs Brumbies: Super Rugby live scores, blog

Enjoy it Nathan, your boys played their hearts out

Queensland Reds vs Western Force: 2013 Super Rugby live scores, blog

Congrats Force, you all deserve a beer tonight.

Thanks Phil, hope your not a reds supporter.

Queensland Reds vs Western Force: 2013 Super Rugby live scores, blog
