The Roar
The Roar

Two Eyed Cyclop

Roar Guru

Joined September 2013









I’ll have what she is having.

Were the All Blacks poisoned?

Conclusive, inconclusive? Who knows.

Were the All Blacks poisoned?

RT let it drop, you are obviously picking an argument with somebody under the influence.

All Blacks relentless in winning the Rugby World Cup

Alice Springs Camel race trophy?

C'mon New Zealand, put the Bledisloe on the line this weekend

Ha, ha, ha. Brilliant Ben.

A missing one is the fact that Pocock went completely off-script and uttered All B&%@ks once, thus negating all the preceding great work by so many people. Moron!!!

Softening the blow: Why we have already lost the World Cup final


This could turn out to be the signing of the season or an unmitigated disaster. Big plus factor here is is Gibson.

But from a human point of view I hope the young guy overcomes his demons and finally realises his immense potential, always loved watching him when his head was in the right space.

Ex-All Black Guildford signs with Waratahs

“A time span of four years separates tournaments, meaning that what happens in between is implied to be irrelevant. But four years of nonsensical battles is a steep price to pay for something most fans tend to forget after a year or so.”

What a lot of codswallop Armand. I remember every minute of the 4 years when the ABs win (not very often I grant you), and get severe amnesia the rest of the time, which is very often.

That is why 2011 seems so vivid and fresh in my mind, as well as 1987 (yes I was in the crowd, and yes I am that old!!!).

The world in union: Embrace the Rugby World Cup for what it truly is

Didn’t they just drop one (the ABs that is)? Much good it did!

We love you England - but go Fiji!

And HM will finally be carried off purpled faced and screaming in a straitjacket and derail the campaign. And I even like the guy.

No need to watch the Rugby World Cup: Here's how it will go down

Little spanner in the works Harry,NZ & SA have met twice on neutral grounds, the score is 1 each, NZ knocked SA out in a QF but lost a 3rd/4th play off (does anybody care about them?).

So by my reckoning NZ has a massive psychological advantage over the Boks (yeah right), so I don’t understand why I am so nervous :-).

And all this by making the massive assumption they will both still be there.

No need to watch the Rugby World Cup: Here's how it will go down

I guess the only true pilferer left in the hooking department is Bismask.

The 2015 All Blacks are older, wiser and better, but no guarantee to win

Jeez, knockout rugby in the pool stages, crazy. Whoever comes out of this group will be well primed, genuine 3.5 horse race.

The implications are scary, if England drop out will there be bankruptcies, and if the WBs don’t make it would the comments in the Roar be reduced to a trickle.

Both shuddering events with long term repercussions.

SPIRO: Watch out Wallabies, Fiji and England, here come Wales!

I’ll have whatever you are having Connor, in either inhaling, injectable or edible form, not fussy really. 🙂

The Wallabies will win the World Cup


Cheika defends Quade RWC15 selection

We must have been watching different games X, so we’ll agree to disagree. And even if I agreed with you and the stars aligned, would you risk him on a 50/50 performance record (according to you) in a final or semi-final? Which is the only time these teams will meet, if they meet at all.

Cheika defends Quade RWC15 selection

I am not sure we should be continuing this conversation but since you asked, how about saying absolutely nothing, and putting in a performance to shut the crowd up. Revolutionary I know, but it might have worked. And again its water under the bridge, I wouldn’t even have mentioned it if it wasn’t for Xiedazhu’s rant.

Cheika defends Quade RWC15 selection

Unless mistaken and my memory is fading with old age Jereme, I am sure I actually saw Quade being interviewed and stating he enjoyed being NZ’s Public Enemy no 1. If wrong happy to admit it, ancient history any way.

Surprisingly as I posted below I seem to be one of the few that agree with his selection as one of the few players that can actually surprise the opposition with the unexpected.

Cheika defends Quade RWC15 selection

No denying it, Cooper has a mental block playing the ABs, but lets face it the Wallabies will only play them once if a lot of other permutations permit. Not many have put their hand up to make the position theirs anyway, so I don’t understand the surprise. Against most other teams he would be first choice.

Cheika defends Quade RWC15 selection

By the same token few players went public on national TV to bait a nation, albeit small. Got what he deserved at the time but he has moved on an so should everybody else.

Cheika defends Quade RWC15 selection

Its just possible than in the not too distant future, last week’s loss will be viewed as the ABs most valuable game of the year!!! You drop your standards or play with lethargy on the day and you loose to the good teams. This was the perfect reminder of the fact before the little tournament round the corner.

On another note, singling out Quade for last night’s Wallaby debacle is far too simplistic and even unfair. Alas if only that was the only reason it could be easily fixed.

Quade Cooper has a shocker as All Blacks hammer the Wallabies

Oh Lord, its hard to be humble!! Sorry Couldn’t resist it.

McCaw and Carter's farewell to be spoiled by Wallabies' belief

I just got a gut feeling this could blow out tonight, something I don’t feel that often in Bledislow tests. In my humble opinion the ABs are about right for a big one, and then they can relax a bit until the main event.

Having said that, and unbelievably, I have been known to get things completely wrong in the past!!!!! 🙂

McCaw and Carter's farewell to be spoiled by Wallabies' belief

Thank god you don’t get points for singing then 🙂 .

The underdog South African squad that could take the cake

My sentiments exactly, get it out of their system.

Izzy wants first win against All Blacks

You don’t fool me for a minute BB with the “two top teams” quip, ha ha.

I reckon there are minimal margins this year between the three SH powers.

I for one wouldn’t be too upset if the ABs dropped one in the next two, just to get them a bit angry and ready for what I fear is the inevitable meeting with the French in the quarters (scary thought). And I don’t think either of them are going to exhibit all their goodies yet, bit of phoney war syndrome. Oh they both want to win desperately, but without giving too much away.

Izzy wants first win against All Blacks
