The Roar
The Roar


Wilkinson feels for Giteau

19th June, 2010

English goal kicking ace Jonny Wilkinson sympathised with Wallaby star Matt Giteau after Australia’s usually reliable sharp shooter suffered an untimely meltdown in the second Test at ANZ Stadium.

Giteau landed his first three shots at goal on Saturday night, but missed four of his next five, including one from in front in the final quarter.

Wilkinson, who broke Australian hearts with his kicking exploits in the 2003 and 2007 World Cups, drove another stake into Wallaby hearts by kicking what was the match-winning penalty with just under half an hour remaining.

Although he has earned a reputation as one of the world’s most reliable big-game goalkickers, Wilkinson admitted he too had endured his share of painful misses and he understood what Giteau was going through.

“There’s nothing harder than to stand up each week and take the shots and when that (missing from in front) happens, which it does to everyone, it takes even more strength to stand up and go on,” Wilkinson told reporters.

“And something he (Giteau) does is stands up and goes on every time.

“It’s just one of those things that happens once in a very very blue moon, and when it does it’s tough to take.

“I’ve done it more times that he has.


“Fair play to him, he’s an enormous professional, an awesome player and he showed that today regardless of whether he kicked another one.”

Although he appeared to collect a knock shortly before his fateful miss, Giteau refused to make excuses for the almost inexplicable off-target shot.

“It’s not my proudest moment, but these things happen. You’ve just got to move forward,” Giteau said.

He confirmed he was prepared to hand over the goal kicking duties to fullback James O’Connor, but Australia didn’t get another shot.

He started the night striking the ball smoothly.

Asked whether he changed anything later in the game, Giteau said: “Same approach but possibly a little bit tired, I don’t know, I’m not too sure.”
