The Roar
The Roar


ELVs - The big debate

Roar Guru
22nd February, 2009
Roar Guru
22nd February, 2009
1157 Reads

The IRB – in its infinite wisdom – will be making a call on the global trial of the ELVs sometime in April. I thought we might jump the gun on them since they’ve been turning up in various posts and articles over the last while.

Rather than polarise things from the off, I’d suggest for the purposes of this debate that we leave aside people’s views of northern hemisphere rugby vs southern hemisphere rugby and focus on the ELVs only.

Which ones are effective? Which ones do people think nullify the game or play? Are some more suited to warm weather/solid ground? Which ones should stay? Which should be dropped? Are the ones that might benefit from a tweak or two? Is the law fine but the refs are making a mess of it?

If people have examples of particular games to illustrate what they’re talking about – all the better.

As a first step, perhaps Spiro, who was the first to write about the Stellenbosch Laws – might dig-up something from his archive to set out what the various Laws are – and what they’re meant to achieve.

Everyone can pile in after that. And if I’ve left out some important criteria, feel free to add in or amend.

This was a short article as the content is going to come from everyone else.
