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NBA: Golden State Warriors vs Houston Rockets - Western Conference Finals live scores

James Harden of the Houston Rockets. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)
Roar Guru
22nd May, 2015
1037 Reads

The Golden State Warriors and Houston Rockets will fight for control of the series in Game 2 of the Western Conference Finals. Join The Roar for live scores and coverage from 11:00am (AEST).

The Rockets looked good in the opening game, getting out to an early lead before being pegged back and ultimately beaten by a Warriors team that can score in tidal waves.

Still, the Rockets will be buoyed by their performance as they pushed the highly fancied Warriors all the way in front of their raucous crowd.

They would be confident if they can give a repeat performance they have a great shot at stealing home court advantage away from the Warriors.

James Harden looked at his dynamic best, falling 1 assist shy of a triple double and threatened the Warriors defence all game.

The Golden State Warriors small ball line-up got them back in the game by pushing the break and raining three’s and has been a go-to line-up for Coach Steve Kerr all season.

MVP Steph Curry put up 34 points, using handles which boggles the mind of defenders and hitting six three pointers with the purest stroke in the game.

Draymond Green again did a little bit of everything really well and is the engine room that allows the small ball unit to run so productively.


The big question entering the match is weather the Rockets star center Dwight Howard will take the court after spraining his knee in Games 1 and is a game time decision today.

Both these teams play high-scoring basketball and thankfully we seem to be finished with the Hack-A strategy in the playoffs now so today should be fun!

Join me on The Roar from 11:00am (AEST) as we follow all the action of Game 2 live!
