The Roar
The Roar


Red Bulls in a china shop

It's sad, but not heartbreaking, for F1 to farewell Malaysia. (Source: Getty Images/Red Bull Content Pool)
Roar Guru
17th September, 2015

Earlier in the year, Christian Horner’s Iago-like soliloquies were designed to gain political favour among Formula One’s decision makers in the hope of achieving engine equalisation, indelicately suggesting his engine manufacturer, Renault, was in “a bit of a mess”.

Horner’s combustible comments were fanned by Adrian Newey’s throwaway “no light at the end of the tunnel” remarks which, unsurprisingly, drew the ire of Renault Sport Managing Director Cyril Abiteboul.

“Yes, it’s difficult to have a partner who lies,” Abiteboul told French publication Auto Hebdo.

Perhaps it’s a case of ‘too much, too soon’ at Red Bull. No one is suggesting the team has forgotten the hard graft and savvy that won them four constructors titles, but senior management are nevertheless behaving like petulant children by engaging in fault-finding and scattering their expensive toys across the pit-lane.

Ironically, comments from the usually autogenic Lewis Hamilton (in reference to his his journey with Mercedes) appeared to hit the nail right on the head of Red Bull’s position.

“They (Mercedes) hadn’t had the success of other teams and not once did this team complain to others in order to equalise things, they just worked their arses off,” Hamilton said.

Yes, Red Bull have worked their arses off in the past, and they’re going to have to do it again – as a team. Instead they went into panic mode, throwing as many engine updates as they could at the problem and consequently discovered more problems than results.

Now they are in the unenviable position of searching for an engine partner among a slightly more astute pit-lane than it was six months ago. I suspect Tiger Woods would’ve had substantially more success on The Dating Game.


Horner and Newey might write the songs, but it’s still the engines that make the cars sing.
