The Roar
The Roar


Why not have a Sydney Commonwealth Games?

Roar Rookie
17th September, 2010
1475 Reads

I was wondering why Sydney has not bid to host the Commonwealth Games in the last few years. I realise that Melbourne did host them in 2006, but now the Gold Coast are bidding for 2018, along with Hambantota, Sri Lanka, as the only other bid.

Sydney has many venues left over from the 2000 Olympics.

Many of them would only need minor alteration to bring them up to scratch. The cost of hosting would be substantially cheaper than other cities due to not having to build the new stadiums that other cities would have to.

ANZ Stadium still holds 80,000 and the venue would only need to lay a track to bring it up to standard. The Velodrome for cycling is still in use and would only need extra seats for spectators

Homebush still has the aquatic centre, which would need to increase seating capacity after much of the seating was taken away after the Olympics. It still uses the hockey stadium, tennis centre (which is still used every January for the Medibank international), and Acer Arena ,which could be used for gymnastics.

There are also xhibitions halls that could be used for Badminton, table tennis and wrestling.

With most of the venues are ready to go, or close to ready to go. So I cannot see how the NSW government would not make a profit from the games.
