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The Roar

Simon G

Roar Rookie

Joined April 2014









All the women need to do is start their own association and pay their players what they can afford from the profits raised from TV deals, sponsors, memberships, ticket sales and merchandise…

News Corp's latest narrow-minded attack on women's sport misses the point

You’ll also notice that I constantly refer to the female versions of the sports as “women”.
If a female dominated sport is happy to call their competition the “Team Girls Cup”, then obviously it is ok to refer them as such…

News Corp's latest narrow-minded attack on women's sport misses the point

It seems to be a bit of nit-picking regarding the whole girls gripe that you have. It’s not infantising them, even the Super Netball’s pre season comp is called the “Team Girls Cup”.
Regarding the pay topic, the men’s game went close to 90 years of having players not earn much from the game, whilst having to work around playing to subsidise their income. The women’s game is in its infancy, it’ll take time for the players to become truly elite, and until that happens, and the game can stand on its own two feet, then I see no problem with the women not being paid massive money.
You mention women’s cricket, it has been a slow burn as well. They have been slowly building the game over the last 20 years, and are now reaping the rewards in terms of their salary because of both the skills the players possess, and also the willingness for people to watch the product (eg 80k people at the MCG for the World Cup Final).
Let the women’s rugby league competition grow naturally. Once the next generation of players start coming through with their increased skill (and greater watch-ability), then we will hopefully see their pay rise to reflect that.

News Corp's latest narrow-minded attack on women's sport misses the point

I was looking forward to this for ages but it fell a bit short. I think the separate rooms spoiled it a bit and the fact they weren’t all on stage together.
Could’ve been a lot better…

'Greatest ever': Hip hop legends' superb halftime show, Eminem's controversial moment

I’d say their tennis is pretty good, I mean they just won a Grand Slam.
Also you make points as if you are belittling Kyrgios, but he has previously stated that he doesn’t particularly like tennis but does it for the money. I’m sure he’s happy to win half a million for 2 weeks work just having fun with his mate…

A-O, K! Doubles the future for Kyrgios and Kokkinakis after fairytale Aus Open win

Does anyone actually believe that the paperwork he had to get his medical exemption was actually legit?
He and his family just told lie after lie the whole time he was here, and then would tell another lie to cover up the previous lie when they were called out on it.

Djokovic deserved to play the Australian Open

Personally I’d rather see a 3 day Test like we just had, with a genuine contest between bat and ball, then a 5 day snoozefest where 4-550 in the 1st innings is a par score…

'Hard to get a wicket right': Cummins backs red ball cricket over pink as ultimate form of Tests

Exactly right, the rule has always been there, and enforcing it would stop the blatant offsides and laying on the ruck quick smart.
The only time the ref’s seem to use this option is with 30 seconds left in the game. It’s pointless then.

NRL needs to tread carefully with fans about ongoing rule changes

To be fair, the majority of Warne’s comments come as a paid commentator who is there to give opinions, if he didn’t do so then he wouldn’t be doing his job.
Other times he will name teams and express ideas on his social media pages, which the media pick up and run with, that’s hardly Warne’s fault.

It's time to break our exhausting addiction to 'What Warnie Reckons'

I think one of the important things to remember is the name of the position. The wicket keeper is a keeper first, batsman second. Yes runs are important, but at the end of the day you are picked to keep wickets, runs are a bonus. You wouldn’t pick a mediocre fast bowler over Glenn McGrath just because he averages 20 more with the bat.

Steve Smith over Mark Waugh? Pick your best catcher – runs are a bonus!

Agree totally with Rowdy here. A classic example is Nathan Lyon when Wade was keeping. Wade missed numerous catches and stumpings which very nearly ended Lyon’s career, as the media started concentrating on the lack of wickets he was taking. The problem was though that Lyon was bowling well and creating easy chances, but had a poor keeper letting him down.

Steve Smith over Mark Waugh? Pick your best catcher – runs are a bonus!

I think one of the contributing factors to his average being just 42 was that he simply didn’t go on to get really big scores. He had a highest score of just 153. If he was able to turn even 5 of his 20 hundreds into big 200’s, his average starts to nudge 50.
Now I know that’s a big if, and the fact that he was never able to do it was one of his failing as a batsman, but I would argue he is the best batsmen to average under 45.

The ultimate Mark Waugh roast

Now there’s a rant for the ages…

Vaughan stood down from his BBC radio show in wake of racism allegations

Don’t worry about Warner, he’ll score a 50 in a Shield match on a road and secure his spot in the team for another few years…

Duck, duck, gone? Warner fails again; Australia thrashed in final T20 warm up

I played with St Gaudens, and was lucky enough to be coached by Gilles Dumas.
Yeah the south is the rugby league heartland there, hopefully the World Cup will give the game a bit more exposure and we see some benefits in the terms of playing talent in the coming years.

Dragons, spacemen and the boy wonder: Is rugby league rising again in France?

I have a very big soft spot for French League having spent a season over there playing. The main problems with their Elite One competition is that it is very much amateur (except for the overseas players) which means it struggles financially, and the competition is very heavily weighted to the south of France.
It is exciting to see Catalans being very competitive after nearly being relegated a few years back. The appointment of Alex Chan as General Manager was an excellent decision, and it is easy to see his influence on the way the Dragons are performing.
Hopefully now Toulouse can gain promotion to the Super League (even though there has been calls from Featherstone fans for them not to be promoted) and one day we can hope for a Catalan v Toulouse Grand Final.

Dragons, spacemen and the boy wonder: Is rugby league rising again in France?

Yep that was as funny as I expected something from Letterman to be… zzzz

Kevin Durant not very impressed after being trolled by comedian David Letterman at press conference

What’s even more annoying is the player who cops a knock while their team is attacking and play continues, but conveniently, the trainer only decides that the knock is bad enough to stop the game and assess the player once the other team gets possession of the ball. That practice most definitely needs to be eradicated from the game…

The NRL must stamp out diving and frivolous injury stoppages

Wouldn’t you have a problem then where in the situation that I used with Andy Flower, being easily the best batsman in a poor batting team, that if you used a par system, Flower’s rating would be heavily enhanced?

Cricket may need to adopt the par score system to measure the skill level of its Test batters

Thanks for the reply.
Does the batting team’s skill have anything to do with the par score?

Cricket may need to adopt the par score system to measure the skill level of its Test batters

Quick question Tsat, in your proposal would the quality of the batting team and the quality of the bowling team affect the par score?
I ask this because lets say for example Australia was playing Zimbabwe in the 90’s, a par score for Zimbabwe may be 250, but a par score for Australia might be 400.
Just to make the maths simple (and I know I’m simplifying your concept with the batting order), the top order for Zimbabwe might have a par score of 30 each, and the Aussie top order might have a par score of 50 each.
Andy Flower then comes out and hits 100 and Mark Waugh also hits 100, does that make Flower better because he is 70 runs better than par while Waugh is only 50?
I guess I’m just wondering just how much you really break down a batsman to find his par score, and if his actual batting average would play a contributing factor?

Cricket may need to adopt the par score system to measure the skill level of its Test batters

“League will never influence Union rules”.
Cue the “50-22” kick rule…

Rugby's greatest strength can make it Australia's number one international sport

Carnivean, I agree with your last paragraph, and rugby’s problem with attracting more viewers to watch it is that too often in international rugby, they are showcasing the “worse” side of rugby.
On Sunday night, apart from Hooper’s break down the left in the final minutes, what other plays really saw the ball progress downfield apart from penalties to set up for rolling mauls, or box kicks hoping that the opposing fullback makes an error?
If that sort of rugby is what gets your rocks off then I’m happy for you, and I’m sure you’re not alone. But I doubt you’re going to get many new fans tuning in to watch that week in and week out.

Rugby's greatest strength can make it Australia's number one international sport

No, penalty goal and kick-a-thons are not for me (and judging by Rugby’s current standing in Australia, that style is not for a lot of the population).
The article was offering up ideas on how to improve Rugby’s dominance in Australia, I’m just simply making a point that if you want more people watching, you need to make the product more attractive to the casual viewer, and then over time they will become more than just a casual viewer.
Running Rugby is great to watch, there is so much skill involved. Unfortunately it is few and far between at the international level.
You say that Rugby is “a massively more popular sport than league in every market where both are played”. That may be correct in the majority of the world, but in Australia it is so far behind AFL and NRL that these days it barely makes it into the same conversation when discussing major codes in Australian sport, and that won’t change if the code is not willing to change.

Rugby's greatest strength can make it Australia's number one international sport

I’m a League fan and a casual Rugby viewer. I think to get more eyeballs onto the Rugby games, you have to change the way the international game is played.
It was great to see a Wallabies win, but apart from the winning kick on the siren, the overall spectacle was fairly dull. The Springbok’s scored 3 tries off rolling mauls, and Australia had to kick 7 penalty goals to remain in the contest, there wasn’t much variation in play throughout the match.
Every time a team looked like they could start playing some footy, there was an infringement or a kick.
I would imagine that if teams adapted a more running rugby style, like we see in the NZ domestic comp, and occasionally in Super Rugby, then the popularity would begin to increase, despite whether the Wallabies actually won or not.
PS. and please get rid of the continuous box kicks, they would have to be the most boring tactic associated with the game!

Rugby's greatest strength can make it Australia's number one international sport
