The Roar
The Roar


The stupidity of the ELVs from a kid's perspective

Roar Guru
24th April, 2009

I reffed an Under 11 game yesterday. Early on, a boy did not release the ball in a tackle, for which I awarded a free kick against him. I explained the reason for it, he nodded and went on his way.

Shortly after, the same boy took the ball up and a maul formed.

What with one thing and another, opposition pushing, lack of blockers, boys at the back not knowing where the ball was and general mayhem, he did not have the skill to get the ball out, try as he might.

Of course, under the ELVs, that also warranted a free kick, which I duly gave. When I blew my whistle and awarded it, he looked up at me and said, “But what did I do wrong, sir?”

And that is my point. What did he do wrong?

He did not intend to keep the ball in the maul. Quite the opposite. He and his team mates were feverishly attempting to get it out.

On the other hand, he certainly meant to keep a hold of the ball on the ground. Two of the opposition were on their feet and doing their best to reef it off him.

None of his side were within cooee of him.


To release the ball was to gift possession to the blokes wearing the other jerseys. The little man knew better than that.

Yet these two disparate intents get the same sanction. I fundamentally disagree with that. At any level of the game, coaches drum into their players that quick ball is good ball.

If they do not get it out, it’s not for the want of trying. Unplayable ball in a ruck or maul should not be treated the same as someone who otherwise infringes. It clearly offended this young bloke’s sense of justice.

And it does mine too.
