The Roar
The Roar


Wanted: Jewish black female F1 driver

Roar Guru
29th April, 2009

Bernie Ecclestone has made a creative suggestion on what Formula One needs to boost its global appeal – namely a Jewish black female driver.

The sport lacks celebrity pilots like football’s David Beckham to help spark interest, the F1 commercial rights holder told journalists before attending Tuesday’s Champions League semi-final between Barcelona and Chelsea.

“I don’t care who drives. It would be fantastic to have a female pilot who is black and Jewish,” sports daily Marca quoted Ecclestone as saying.

He also said certain F1 drivers, including Spain’s two-time world champion Fernando Alonso, were “stupid” because they did not do more to promote the sport, as former British pilot Jackie Stewart continues to do, it added.

Ecclestone, who is known for his colourful comments, also defended Formula One’s decision to cut costs this season.

“We could not continue to waste so much money as before. We can be competitive with reduced budgets,” the 78-year-old said according to Marca and several other Spanish newspapers.

Ecclestone said Alonso has the talent to become world champion for a third time but the pilot lacks a suitable car at Renault.

He said he believed at one point that Alonso had locked up an agreement to move to Ferrari but was not so sure now.


“They have told me that Alonso hasn’t signed anything with Ferrari. They told me that I got it wrong,” he said.
