The Roar
The Roar


Interest in return thrills Schumacher

Roar Guru
25th January, 2010

Seven-times world champion Michael Schumacher admits he has been thrilled by the amount of interest from his fans in his return to Formula One racing.

Having retired in 2006, the 41-year-old has broken his three-year hiatus to sign a three-year contract to race for Mercedes GP and reunite with Ross Brawn, the man who orchestrated all of his world drivers’ championship titles.

Schumacher was at Monday’s launch of Mercedes’ Formula One car in Stuttgart and said he is looking forward to his first Grand Prix for three years in Bahrain on March 14.

“I have been taken aback a bit by the interest,” he said standing next to Mercedes’ Silver Arrow Formula One car.

“I was both surprised and thrilled to see the reaction.

“It’s a great thrill to be back and to be part of the Silver Arrow team, it’s great emotion and feeling I am getting from people outside.

“I’d like to thank the fans – it gives me extra push to do well.

“I am fit and I am looking forward to testing the new car next month.”


Brawn, who masterminded all of Schumacher’s seven world titles in the pits – first at Benetton and then at Ferrari – said he was delighted to resume their partnership.

“Working with Michael again is a treat, it is something I didn’t think would happen again and it is something I am excited about,” said Brawn.

“Nico is an exciting prospect and I think he will be good for Michael – it will also help him to see how a world champion operates.”

Schumacher’s team-mate Nico Rosberg, the son of Finland’s 1982 Formula One World Champion Keke Rosberg, admitted he was excited to be working with both Schumacher and Brawn having raced for Williams in 2009.

“It’s a dream come true to be able to drive the first Silver Arrow since 1955. It’s fantastic, I look forward to it,” said the German.

“Having Michael as a team-mate is great, it is going to be a great season.”

There is obvious pride at Mercedes in having Schumacher racing for the German team next season.


“We are the Germany team of Formula One,” said Dieter Zetsche, the chairman of the Daimler group and the head of Mercedes-Benz.

“We want to be world champions, to have the best car, but that is not to say it will happen in the first year.

“We are a new team and we will need time.”
