The Roar
The Roar


Is James Hird really Essendon's saviour?

Roar Pro
24th April, 2011
1686 Reads

The Lord Saviour has returned! No, I’m not referring to the long-haired dude with the beard who died for our sins more than two thousand years ago.

I’m talking about the bloke who was once an Essendon captain, who won two premierships and a Brownlow medal wearing the red and black colours.

I’m talking about one James Hird.

According to the Essendon faithful, Hird has returned to provide salvation to the once great club, to bring back the holy grail.

I even overhead a Bombers fan blurt out that he’s a favourite for the Brownlow.

Apart from outlandish comments emanating from some Essendon fans, the man-love going around for Hird coming from all quarters is infectious. It’s the beginning of a football fairytale.

But has he really been tested? Is he the sole reason for the Essendon resurgence?

It would be interesting to know how much tactical nous he brings to the table. His coaching resume reads that previous to his current position he was coach of his son’s under nine’s team, hardly the experience required to be an AFL general.


What Hird does bring to the table are the intangible qualities that are so vital to a successful football club and are so difficult to manufacture – spirit, a strong culture and belief.

All of a sudden players lift for the champ, they dive in with added grunt just to extract that little bit extra respect from him.

But for all the spirit in the world, if the body isn’t motoring then the fickle nature of mankind means spirit can quickly fade.

And that’s where assistant coach Mark ‘Bomber’ Thompson’s contribution must be afforded the same kudos that Hird is receiving.

He’s brought a wealth of experience to the club. What’s more is that he knows how to win flags. What’s even more he’s brought over a concept that previous head coach Matthew Knights just couldn’t grasp: defence.

The Essendon hierarchy must get their props for their re-construction of their football department. Did they swindle Bomber from the Cats? They sure did. They did what they had to do to make their club great again.

It’s high time some people got over it. The Geelong players have, their 4-0 record is evidence of this.


It’s early days but the Hird-Bomber partnership seems a match made in heaven. The first big test for Jesus, sorry James, is to defeat Collingwood on ANZAC Day. Can he break the loaf of bread and feed the masses?

If he performs a miracle and inspires his team to victory over the irrepressible Pies, then Bombers fans, get ready for some September action in 2011.
