The Roar
The Roar


Is it time for Hasler to rethink his number 7?

Roar Rookie
11th March, 2013
1286 Reads

Alarm bells certainly are not ringing in Belmore just yet, but you feel that after Saturday night’s performance the Bulldogs may find points much harder to come by this season.

The exclusion of Ben Barba is an obvious reason, yet last season, Canterbury’s potency in attack was down to much more than their little maestro in the number one jersey.

A short interchange in passing between their large, bustling pack, usually had teams on the back-foot early and allowed Canterbury to make inroads in most games.

The loss of Kasiano, Pritchard and Graham was incredibly evident last night, not only for their size, but for their mercurial ball skills and ability to press on opposition packs.

The Cowboys, led by Matt Scott and James Tamou, have what I believe to be the best front rower in the game, and with their ability to win metres through the centre of the field, it certainly made Jonathon Thurston’s job a much easier one last night.

Thurston was at his best with three try assists. He sold a dummy to Tony Williams and gifted Gavin Cooper the easiest try he will ever score in his career.

Compare Thurston’s influence to that of the Canterbury halves.

Canterbury lacked direction, which is a worrying sign especially if Des Hasler persists with the current halves combination of Reynolds and Keating.


There is no doubt that both halves give their all on the field, and you could not fault them for a lack of effort.

However, are they the right combination to get the Bulldogs to go one better in 2013?

No, they’re not. Kris Keating is an honest halfback at best, his influence is based on a solid left boot, his territorial kicking game is one of the stronger string in his bow, yet his attacking ‘spark’ in the opposition 20 is non-existent.

What sets great players apart from average ones is their ability to make you pay when you make a mistake.

Jonathon Thurston made Canterbury pay in cash with every single mistake they made. Every time he touched the football, something looked like it was about to happen.

Another North Queensland strike weapon, Matty Bowen was kept pretty quiet, which left it all up to Thurston to pull the strings.

When the Bulldogs had a chance to make the Cowboys pay, it didn’t happen.


On three separate sets I saw a back rower receive the ball on the fifth tackle at first receiver.

Where are the halves?

This is where you need your six, and your seven to stand up and take control.

I believe that if the Bulldogs are to reach the heights of last year, Des Hasler needs to bring Trent Hodkinson into the starting line-up, especially early in the season.

No disrespect to Kris Keating, but he is not going to win you Grand Finals. Great play-makers make the players around them look much better.

Just look at Ash Graham, and the influence of Jonathon Thurston with his ability to put points on the board.

It’s time for Des to take a long hard look at who he puts into the seven jersey long term.
